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Gamma Velorum comparison table
Subject has right ascension has declination has spectral type is part of has orbital period is an instance of has V magnitude has been observ has B-V magnitude has distance has ejection velocity has temperature has abundance is usually part of has absolute magnitude is a kind of has apparent magnitude has emission line has synonym has definition has number of star
naked eye star   Milky Way   for many centuries     asterism naked eye objectbrighter than 5  A star visible without visual aids 
triple star            half the stars in the solar neighborhood are members of star systems  star system   A star system having three stars that revolve around one another.3
WC star  O, B, A, and early F       2000 km s-1up to 50000 K   Wolf-Rayet He I, He II, C II, C III or C IV   
Gamma Velorum8 9 31.9-47 20 12WC8+O7.5eMilky Way78.5 daystriple star1.78for many centuries-0.22400 pc2000 km s-1up to 50000 Khalf the stars in the solar neighborhood are members of star systemsasterismMv = - 5.6 brighter than 5He I, He II, C II, C III or C IVHR 3207A triple system (WC8, B1 IV, O9 I) embedded in the Gum Nebula. It is the brightest Wolf-Rayet star in the sky.3

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