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Alpha Sculptoris comparison table
Subject has right ascension has declination has spectral type is part of has surface temperature is an instance of has V magnitude has color has been observ has B-V magnitude has absorption line is usually part of is a kind of has apparent magnitude has synonym has definition has luminosity class
B star  O, B, A, and early F 11000 to 28000 K  blue-white  He I early star  Blue-white star of spectral type B whose spectra are characterized by absorption lines of neutral helium which reach their maximum intensity at B2. The Balmer lines of hydrogen are strong, and lines of singly ionized oxygen and other gases are also present. 
bright giant    greater than 1000 Kelvin       star   II
naked eye star   Milky Waygreater than 1000 Kelvin   for many centuries  asterismnaked eye objectbrighter than 5 A star visible without visual aids 
Alpha Sculptoris0 58 36.3-29 21 28B7IIIpMilky Way11000 to 28000 Knaked eye star4.31blue-whitefor many centuries-0.16He Iasterism brighter than 5HR 280 II

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