CSI 3317 -- Fall 2003

NOTE: the most recents announcements are on top of this page

12/01/04: All the course Marks. Please check carefully and let me know of any problem BEFORE Wednesday.

17/12/03: Example of normalization.

16/12/03: Format of the exam:

-- 26 multiple choice questions and definitions for a total of 40 %, 8 classical questions for a total of 60%
-- Weight: up to 40% things seen before the midterm, and at least 60% for things seen after the midterm.

12/12/03: Sections to learn from Chap 19: ONLY 19.1, 19.4, and 19.6.

05/12/03: Assignment #3 solutions: pg1 pg2 pg3.

01/12/03: Instructions for handing in the project:

(1) Hand in the softcopy (zipped) of the project by email by sending it at kanwar.hazrah@rogers.com by Monday Dec 8 at 4PM.
In the subject line of the email you MUST write "CSI 3317 (Project)".
You should provide us with both compiled and upcompiled files of your project.
The files we need are: your Java code, any Code (CGI, PHP, ...) written for the optional part, and your SQL script.

(2) Hand in a hard copy that comprises the following items (in the assignment box before 4PM on Monday Dec 8):
-- a text document that clearly explain which DBMS, programming language, and driver you used. This document should also let us know if we need to do any special set up to run the code. The document must indicate the indiviual contributions to the project. Also let us know of any assumptions made in the implementation. Explain what is working and what is not working for this project. Explain why any part is not working if it is not.
-- A print out of the code you wrote (Java code, PHP, CVGI scripts, ...). For any very repetitive Java code, just submit one sample.

24/11/03: I have updated the xFAQ wrt A#3.

19/11/03: On the next Friday 21/11/03 we'll do a general revision of the course and the evaluation.

19/11/03:There were constraint mistakes in the solution for the ER diagram for the project: here is the corrected diagram.


10/11/03: 1. The due date for submitting the project is extended to Dec 05 to match csi3317B's due date.
Je prolonge la date de remise du projet au 5 decembre afin de l'harmonier avec celle de la section csi3317B.

2. For releasing an ER-diagram, I have no choice than to wait for csi3317B's due date for submitting part 1 of the project which is on this coming weekend (Friday).
Pour la solution (diagramme ER) de la pertie 1, j'attend que les etudiants de la section csi3317B remettent leurs copies ce vendredi.

3. To speed up things, each group should send a group representative to see me with their solution so that I tell you where to start with the rest of the project based on the ER diagram you have.
Afin d'accelerer les choses, chaque groupe pourrait envoyer un representant pour me voir avec leur solution afin que je recommande ou commencer pour la 2eme partie du projet.

07/11/03: HOMEWORK -- Again, as a good and progressive preparation for the final exam, I recommend you (So you're not obliged but advised to do so!) to do the following exercices (some have answers are in the student center at http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072465638/):

31/10/03: Marking scheme for the Midterm

30/10/03: Marks for A #1 and the midterm.


20/10/03: Here are important announcements about the midterm:

For the exam, learn: Chap 1; Chap 2: Sections 2.1--2.6; Chap 3: Sections 3.1--3.5, and 3.7; Chap 4: Sections 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3.2 (no division in domain relational calculus); Chap 5: Sections 5.1--5.5, and 5.7.

Break down of questions: Concepts: 20%; ER diagram: 20%; Rel. model: 20%; Queries: 20%; Rel. algebra and calculus: 20% (The rel. calc. will be short).

As a model, follow what we have done in assignment 1.

Le modele a suivre est le devoir 1.

I left hard copies of A1 solutions in front of my office. Please go and make copies for yourself. They are hand written.


09/10/03: Here are the project groups so far. Send me the remaining groups ASAP. Also, those who still are without groups, please see me. Finally, groups with no contact email have to send me one.

07/10/03: Slight change in Monday lab times: Lab times will be Monday 7PM-8PM in Room STE 0130 every alternate week.

This is done to accomodate Kanwar's schedule for his grad class. We learnt that yesterday students came to Lab at 6PM and waited for the TA while I was attending his class. Sorry for that !

30/09/03: Assignment 1: pdf, ps.

26/09/03: IMPORTANT: There is one last minute change in the bookings for the labs (one room, day, and time change):
CSI3317: Tuesday 3-4PM (letters A-M) in STE 2052, and Monday 6-7PM (letters N-Z) in STE0131;
CSI3717: Mardi 2-3PM dans STE2052
Again, the rule to follow is: go to the section corresponding to the 1st letter of your last name. In case of conflict, pick any other section.

26/09/03: HOMEWORK -- As a good and progressive preparation for the exams, I recommend you (So you're not obliged !) to do the following exercices (some have answers in the student center at http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072465638/, others don't, and I mix both kinds of exercices.):

24/09/03: The midterm's date est Wednesday Oct 22, during class hours.


19/09/03: Starting from next week on (after covering material of Chapter 4), I will post several homework exercices to do. Answers to these exercices are available to you on the web. The intention behind these exercices is to have you concentrate on important things that matter for exams.

Also, on Monday, I will determine a Midterm day (tentatively) along with definitive lab times.

15/09/03: Here are possible choices for a few labs I intend to organize for using Oracle:
STE 0131: Monday 11AM-1PM and 6-7PM (csi3317);
STE 2052: Tu 2-3PM and 3-4PM (csi3717)

Please let me know of any conflicts ASAP.

11/09/03: I'll make the lecture notes for the entire week available every Monday starting next week. To print the notes with 3 slides or so on a page, go to the appropriate print menu of MS Powerpoint.
