/trunk/seg.jUCMNav Developers: sghan090

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Total Commits:
56 (0.4%)
Lines of Code:
2,039 (0.2%)
Most Recent Commit:
2009-12-04 14:48
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Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for sghan090

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Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 56 (100.0%) 2039 (100.0%) 36.4
src/seg/jUCMNav/strategies/ 18 (32.1%) 1543 (75.7%) 85.7
src/seg/jUCMNav/views/property/ 6 (10.7%) 153 (7.5%) 25.5
src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts/ 5 (8.9%) 108 (5.3%) 21.6
src/grl/impl/ 6 (10.7%) 108 (5.3%) 18.0
src/seg/jUCMNav/views/preferences/ 4 (7.1%) 50 (2.5%) 12.5
src/seg/jUCMNav/model/util/ 2 (3.6%) 46 (2.3%) 23.0
src/seg/jUCMNav/extensionpoints/ 1 (1.8%) 16 (0.8%) 16.0
src/seg/jUCMNav/ 4 (7.1%) 15 (0.7%) 3.7
src/seg/jUCMNav/icons/ 10 (17.9%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Activity of sghan090

Most Recent Commits

sghan090 2009-12-04 14:48 Rev.: 1708

Modified QualitativeGRLStrategyAlgorithm to support legal analysis,
Modified QuantitativeGRLStrategyAlgorithm to support legal analysis

49 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/strategies: QualitativeGRLStrategyAlgorithm.java (+12), QuantitativeGRLStrategyAlgorithm.java (+37 -13)
sghan090 2008-09-05 22:07 Rev.: 1472

fixed actor icon/text display on qual/quant switch
fixed quant actor evaluation
fixed correlation not working bug
fixed all algorithms to match ITU standard

91 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: ActorRefEditPart.java (+6), LinkRefEditPart.java (+1 -1)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/strategies: MixedGRLStrategyAlgorithm.java (+22 -16), QualitativeGRLStrategyAlgorithm.java (+32 -29), QuantitativeGRLStrategyAlgorithm.java (+21 -16)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/views/property: IntentionalElementPropertySource.java (+7 -2), LinkRefPropertySource.java (+2)
sghan090 2008-08-09 21:40 Rev.: 1471

Dependency bug fixed for all strategy algorithms
Qualitative/Quantitative importance synchronization
Introduced qualitative actor icons
Added quantitative & qualitative algorithm portion for actors
Added a modified version of Roy's 2006 actor algorithm to the MixedGRLStrategyAlgorithm

331 lines of code changed in 18 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav: messages.properties (+4 -4), messages_fr.properties (+1 -1)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: ActorRefEditPart.java (+48 -4)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/icons: Actor-C-24x16.gif (new), Actor-D-24x16.gif (new), Actor-N-24x16.gif (new), Actor-S-24x16.gif (new), Actor-U-24x16.gif (new), Actor-WD-24x16.gif (new), Actor-WS-24x16.gif (new)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model/util: DependencyQualitativeLabelComparitor.java (+1 -1)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/strategies: EvaluationStrategyManager.java (+114 -19), MixedGRLStrategyAlgorithm.java (+13 -70), QualitativeGRLStrategyAlgorithm.java (+116 -152), QuantitativeGRLStrategyAlgorithm.java (+14 -69)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/views/preferences: StrategyEvaluationPreferencePage.java (+4 -4), StrategyEvaluationPreferences.java (+7 -5)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/views/property: IntentionalElementPropertySource.java (+9)
sghan090 2008-07-27 14:27 Rev.: 1470

added 3 GRL strategy algorithms
updated contribution icons
added algorithm choice property page option
modified display of quantitative & qualitative evaluations

1303 lines of code changed in 17 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav: messages.properties (+5), messages_fr.properties (+5)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/editparts: IntentionalElementEditPart.java (+42 -21), LinkRefEditPart.java (+11 -2)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/extensionpoints: IGRLStrategyAlgorithm.java (+16 -3)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/icons: conflict.gif (new), none.gif (new), undecided.gif (changed)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/model/util: DependencyQualitativeLabelComparitor.java (new 45)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/strategies: DefaultGRLStrategyAlgorithm.java (+10 -5), EvaluationStrategyManager.java (+88 -21), MixedGRLStrategyAlgorithm.java (new 306), QualitativeGRLStrategyAlgorithm.java (new 419), QuantitativeGRLStrategyAlgorithm.java (new 283)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/views/preferences: StrategyEvaluationPreferencePage.java (+12 -2), StrategyEvaluationPreferences.java (+27 -1)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/views/property: LinkRefPropertySource.java (+34 -12)
sghan090 2008-07-20 22:24 Rev.: 1469

added quantitative/qualitative synchronization to seg/*

118 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/strategies: EvaluationStrategyManager.java (+35)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/views/property: LinkRefPropertySource.java (+83)
sghan090 2008-07-20 22:16 Rev.: 1468

undo modification of generated grl/* code from before

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/grl/impl: ContributionImpl.java (-57), EvaluationImpl.java (-34)
sghan090 2008-07-20 13:16 Rev.: 1467

bug fix: when loading saved GRL graph, quantitative evaluations would be lost

12 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • src/grl/impl: ContributionImpl.java (+7 -7), EvaluationImpl.java (+5 -5)
sghan090 2008-07-18 07:53 Rev.: 1466

contribution's bug is fixed

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • src/seg/jUCMNav/strategies: DefaultGRLStrategyAlgorithm.java (+2 -2)
sghan090 2008-07-13 23:25 Rev.: 1465

added synchronization for qualitative & quantitative properties for evaluation and contribution
updated the DefaultGRLStrategyAlgorithm to correct error

133 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • src/grl/impl: ContributionImpl.java (+59 -3), EvaluationImpl.java (+37 -2)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/strategies: DefaultGRLStrategyAlgorithm.java (+3 -3), EvaluationStrategyManager.java (+16)
  • src/seg/jUCMNav/views/property: IntentionalElementPropertySource.java (+18)
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