some dots list of dots

Manufacturing Plant Controller YouTube Lecture

This lecture is on YouTube because I am away. What you should do is watch each video in sequence, pausing whenever I tell you to in order to do the activities suggested. The objective is to help you to see the process of developing a moderately complex class diagram. I will not ask you to create a diagram this complex in the course, but if you understand this example, you will be able to do other problems more easily.

If you have any questions, simply email them to me, or comment directly on YouTube on the videos, or on Virtual Campus (I have created a discussion group). I will monitor these during class, as best as I can. I may, however, only respond to some questions later in the day.

The videos are as follows. The text of the requirements is at the end.

  • Video 1: Getting started - highlighting potential classes
  • Video 2: Central classes in Umple
  • Video 3: Adding an Association Class
  • Video 4: Allocating Robots to Assembly Lines
  • Video 5: Finishing off.

When you are done, log into Top Hat Monocle. A question derived from the videos will be activated around class time. It will be left active for several hours in case you are working at home.

The problem from the textbook is below. What I do is I copy and paste this into Word so I can colour the classes, attributes and associations various colours.

This system will be used to manage and control the production processes at Use Case Industries’ manufacturing plant. The plant makes several types of mechanical devices. It has 10 assembly lines, each of which can be used in the manufacturing of any of its products. An assembly line is allocated to a product for a fixed period of time (anywhere from a few hours to a few days) – this is called a product run. During a product run, the assembly line makes a specified number of units of the product.

Each product is assembled in several steps. As the product-under- construction moves down the assembly line, it will be worked on in turn by a series of robots. Each robot completes one step before the product moves on to the next step (and a different robot). Each robot is dedicated to just one manufacturing step.

Each product is composed of parts. Parts may be bought from suppliers, or they may in fact be smaller products that are built by this company (in earlier product runs). In each manufacturing step, a given subset of these parts is put together. Parts waiting for assembly are kept in numbered bins; the robots know which bins to go to in order to get the required parts.

Each completed assembly is given a serial number. When orders for products are filled, the serial numbers of the products sold are recorded with the order.

You can see the final diagram by going to UmpleOnline and selecting Manufacturing Plant Controller from the example menu.

Last update to this page: Tuesday, 02-Oct-2012 17:41:54 EDT
Time this document was displayed or cached: Friday, 07-Feb-2025 07:07:02 EST