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11.3.49 UnmarshallAction


   UnmarshallAction is an action that breaks an object of a known type into outputs each of which is equal to a value from a structural feature of the object.


Issue 8192 - fix generalization from ‘AcceptEventAction’ to ‘Action’


    Action (from BasicActions ) on page 247.


   The outputs of this action correspond to the structural features of the specified type. The input must be of this type.


   No additional attributes


Issue 8192 -add subsets constraints to ‘object’ and ‘result’

   • object : InputPin [1..1] The object to be unmarshalled. {Subsets Action::input}


   [1] The type of the object input pin must be the same as the unmarshall classifier.

   [2] The multiplicity of the object input pin is 1..1.

   [3] The number of result output pins must be the same as the number of structural features of the unmarshall classifier.

   [4] The type and ordering of each result output pin must be the same as the corresponding structural features of the unmarshall classifier.

   [5] The multiplicity of each result output pin must be compatible with the multiplicity of the corresponding structural features of the unmarshall classifier.

   [6] The unmarshall classifier must have at least one structural feature.

Issue 8772 -add new constraint

   [7] unmarshallType must be a Classifier with ordered attributes


Issue 8772 -add sentence at end about order of values

   When an object is available on the input pin, the values of the structural features of the specified classifier are retrieved from the object and placed on the output pins, in the order of the structural features of the specified classifier. The order of the values in an output pin are the same as the order of the corresponding structural features, if any


   No specific notation


   See UnmarshallAction (as specialized) on page 428.

   UnmarshallAction is introduced to read all the structural features of an object at once.

*Changes from previous UML

   UnmarshallAction is the same as UML 1.5, except that the name of the metaassociation to the input pin is changed.