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6.1 Notatio



   +owner +family adoption


Figure 6-1 MOF model for a family

   In this chapter, the following notational conventions will be used.

   An example of a text stream conforming to an HUTN-generated language will appear as follows. The text in bold face (but not italic) is the literal text stream (e.g., the first and fourth lines below) whereas the text in bold-and-italic face describe omitted detail which should not be taken literally (e.g., the 2nd and 3rd lines below).

   FamilyPackage “id-001? {

   Class instances here

   Association instances or links here }

   EBNF rules for HUTN mappings are presented using a numbered rule for each non-terminal (e.g., PackageInstance, PackageHeader, PackageBody) in the grammar and literal symbols enclosed in single quotes (e.g., right curly brace represented as ‘}’). The italicized words enclosed in angle brackets indicate a placeholder for a literal value that must be substituted with an actual value (e.g., <PackageName>); the name given is deliberately chosen to be meaningful, but will always be explained more fully in the accompanying text.

   [2] PackageInstance := 3:PackageHeader ‘{‘ 4:PackageBody ‘}’

   [3] PackageHeader := <PackageName> 5:PackageIdentifier