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5.1.6 IdentifierConfig

   The metaclass IndentifierConfig is a subtype of ClassConfig, which identifies the MOF class being configured for an HUTN language.

   The purpose of IndentifierConfig is to nominate a particular attribute of the Class as unique within some scope, so that its value may be used as a unique identifier for the Class in the HUTN language with this configuration.

id_attribute : AttributeRef

   This metaattribute refers to the Attribute of the MOF class being configured for an HUTN language representation. If this attribute is null, then arbitrary strings may be used for identifying instances. If this attribute is non null, a specific instance of this class may use or may not use the value of the identifying attribute as the identifier. If the latter case, both the arbitrary identifier and the identifying attribute value should be provided within the HUTN representation of the instance.

uniqueness : UniquenessScope

   This metaattribute indicates the scope over which the values of the Attribute being nominated as a unique identifier must be unique. (See Section 5.1.2, “«enumeration» UniquenessScope? for the definition of UniquenessScope.)