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10.2 Organization of the Transformation Package

   The Transformation package depends on the following packages: • • • •

   The CWM uses packages to control complexity and create groupings of logically interrelated classes and associations. The Transformation package is one such package. Within the Transformation package itself, however, the definition of subpackages is purposefully left out to reduce the length and complexity of the fully qualified names of Transformation classes and associations. There are, however, several groupings of classes and associations that form related sets of functionality within the Transformation package. Although separate subpackages have not been created for these functional areas, their identification improves the understandability of the Transformation package.

   The Transformation package contains metamodel elements that support the following functions:

   The specific Transformation classes and associations supporting each functional area are delineated in Table 10-1.

   Table 10-1 Transformation Classes and Associations

Functional Area



Transformation and data lineage Transformation DataObjectSet TransformationUse TransformationSource TransformationTarget DataObjectSetElement
Transformation grouping and execution TransformationTask TransformationStep TransformationActivity PrecedenceConstraint StepPrecedence TransformationTaskElement InverseTransformationTask TransformationStepTask
Specialized transformations TransformationMap ClassifierMap FeatureMap ClassifierFeatureMap TransformationTree ClassifierMapSource ClassifierMapTarget FeatureMapSource FeatureMapTarget CFMapClassifier CFMapFeature

   The metamodel diagram for the Transformation package is split into four parts. The first two diagrams show the Transformation classes and associations, while the last two show the inheritance hierarchy.

   Transformation sourceTransformation source DataObjectSet


targetTransformation target



   transformation element


   ModelElement inverseT ask (from Core)









   TransformationStep /constrainedElement




   /supplier /clientDependency


   /supplierDependency StepPrecedence


   Transformation TransformationUse /client






   Operation (from Behavioral)

   Figure 10-2 Transformation Package: Relationships -1


   classifierMap source



classifierMap arget






featureMap FeatureMap featureMap source



featureMap target





cfMap classifier


cfMap feature


   Figure 10-3 Transformation Package: Relationships -2

   Namespace ModelElement

   (from Core)

   (from Core)



   (from SoftwareDepl oyment)


   ModelElement (from Core)


   PrecedenceConstraint DataObjectSet


   (from Core)


   Dependency (from Core)

   StepPrecedence TransformationUse

   Figure 10-4 Transformation Package: Hierarchy - 1


   TransformationMap TransformationTree

   Namespace ModelElement (from Core) (from Core)


   Figure 10-5 Transformation Package: Hierarchy - 2