import*; public class HeadersTaggingCompleted { // ************************************************************ // * * // * main Method * // * * // ************************************************************ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println("\n\n******* Welcome to the UML Specification Analysis *******\n\n\n"); String f_Name = "UMLChap7-pdf Acrobat-htm Stylus-xml.xml"; // Name of the INPUT FILE int inputArray[] = new int [10]; // inputArray = inputValues(); // System.out.println("InputArray = "+inputArray[0]+"\n\n\n"); readUMLFile(f_Name,inputArray[0]); } // ************************************************************ // * * // * inputValues Method * // * * // ************************************************************ public static int[] inputValues() throws Exception { int[] inputArray = new int [10]; char chTemp; String stTemp=""; System.out.print(" Input the Number of Characters, Then Press ENTER:\t"); chTemp = (char); while((int)chTemp != 13 ) // Enter = 13 { stTemp = stTemp + chTemp; chTemp = (char); } chTemp = (char); //Abort the ENTER key System.out.print("\n"); inputArray[0] = Integer.parseInt(stTemp); //Convert string to the integer return inputArray; } // ************************************************************ // * * // * readUMLFile Method * // * * // ************************************************************ public static void readUMLFile(String f_Name,int numChar) { int fileChar; // File characters int tempInt=0; int stackPointer=0; boolean flagSpaceChar=false; String firstTags=""; // Begining of the INPUT FILE String lastTags=""; String tempStDiv=""; String tempStHeader=""; int [] tempStack = new int[100]; /*CALL*/writeUMLFile(firstTags+(char)10); try // Read the INPUT FILE { FileReader inputReader = new FileReader(f_Name); // inputReader is an object; while(fileChar!=-1) // It is not end of the FILE { if(fileChar==60) // 60 = "<" { // System.out.println("<"); I found "<" for(int i=0;i<4;i++) {; tempStDiv=tempStDiv+(char)fileChar; } // System.out.println(tempSt); // 4 Characters if(tempStDiv.equals("div ")) { while(true) {; if (fileChar==62) // 62 = ">" {; if(fileChar >= 49 && fileChar <= 57) // 1 .. 9 { do { // System.out.println("------->"+fileChar); if(fileChar!=13 && fileChar!=10 && fileChar!=555) // Next line "\n" and "\r" { tempStHeader=tempStHeader+(char)fileChar; if(fileChar==32) // 32 = Space { flagSpaceChar=true; // I saw the first SPACE } }; if(flagSpaceChar==true && fileChar==32) //I saw the second SPACE { fileChar=555; // To skip first IF in the DO loop // Syst em.out.println("Second Space: "+fileChar); }else // (flagSpaceChar == False || fileChar!=32) if(flagSpaceChar==true) // Just one SPACE or last SPACE { flagSpaceChar=false; // System.out.println("Last Space: "+fileChar); } }while(fileChar!=60); // 60 = "<" // System.out.println(tempStHeader); /*CALL*/ tempInt=headersAnalysis(tempStHeader); tempStack[stackPointer]=tempInt; stackPointer++; tempStHeader=""; break; // Exit from WHILE(true) } // End of the IF ("1 .. 9") } // End of the IF ("62") } // End of the WHILE(true) }else // End of the IF ("div ") if(tempStDiv.equals("/div")) { stackPointer --; if(tempStack[stackPointer]==0) { /*CALL*/ writeUMLFile(""+(char)10); } else if (tempStack[stackPointer]==1) { /*CALL*/ writeUMLFile(""+(char)10); } else // periodCounter==2 like 1.2.3 { /*CALL*/ writeUMLFile(""+(char)10); } } // // End of the IF ("/div") tempStDiv=""; } // End of the IF ("<") fileChar =; } // End of the WHILE loop (End of the file) inputReader.close(); } // End of the TRY catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Unable to Open INPUT File"); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to Close INPUT File"); } /*CALL*/writeUMLFile(lastTags); } // ************************************************************ // * * // * headersAnalysis Method * // * * // ************************************************************ public static int headersAnalysis(String tempStHeader) { int lengthHeader; int periodCounter=0; int firstIndex=0, secondIndex=0; char tempChar=' '; String firstPartHeader=""; String secondPartHeader=""; String thirdPartHeader=""; lengthHeader=tempStHeader.length(); firstIndex=tempStHeader.indexOf(" "); // Find the first "space" to seperate numbers for(int i=0;i"+(char)10+""+secondPartHeader+""+(char)10); } else if (periodCounter==1) { /*CALL*/ writeUMLFile("
"+(char)10+""+secondPartHeader+""+(char)10); } else // periodCounter==2 like 1.2.3 { /*CALL*/ writeUMLFile(""+(char)10+""+secondPartHeader+""+ (char)10+""+thirdPartHeader+""+(char)10); } return periodCounter; } // ************************************************************ // * * // * writeUMLFile Method * // * * // ************************************************************ public static void writeUMLFile(String tempString) { boolean x=true; //Each time you add a new string at the end of the FILE try // Creat a new file { FileWriter outputWriter = new FileWriter("Improved UML.xml",x); outputWriter.write(tempString); outputWriter.close(); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Unable to Open OUTPUT File"); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to close OUTPUT File"); } } // ************************************************************ // ************************************************************ // ********************End Of the Program********************** // ************************************************************ // ************************************************************ }