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Entity > Physical > Object > Agent > Organism > Microorganism > Virus
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Virus comparison table
Subject documentation is a kind of have axiom
MicroorganismAn Organism that can be seen only with the aid of a microscopeOrganism
(instance ?VIRUS Virus)
(inhabits ?VIRUS ?OBJ))
(instance ?OBJ Organism))
VirusAn Organism consisting of a core of a single nucleic acid enclosed in a protective coat of protein. A virus may replicate only inside a host living cell. A virus exhibits some but not all of the usual characteristics of living thingsMicroorganism
(instance ?VIRUS Virus)
(instance ?PROC Replication)
(effector ?PROC ?VIRUS))
(exists (?CELL)
(located ?PROC ?CELL)
(instance ?CELL Cell))))

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