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syntactic unit > statement > control flow statement > decision making statement > try-catch-finally statement
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try-catch-finally statement comparison table
Subject have syntax have example have purpose is a subtopic of is a synonym of is a kind of have part
decision making statement  to make a decision on which branch of code to follow in a programLoops and Decision Makingconditional statementcontrol flow statement 
exception statement  to handle exceptionsException Handling control flow statement 
try-catch-finally statement
} catch (exception_type1 identifier1) {
} catch (exception_type2 identifier2) {
} finally {
//Any division by zero that occurs when executing the try block will result in execution of the catch block. 
//Once either block completes, execution continues at the statement after the catch block.
result = numerator / denominator;
validResult = true;
catch (ArithmeticException e)
validResult = false;
to handle exceptionsException Handling exception statementtry block, catch block(s), finally block

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