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syntactic unit > keyword
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keyword comparison table
Subject indicate have syntax identify indicate that is a kind of is a synonym of is a subtopic of have example is an instance of use in have purpose precede has definition use is partitioned into represent use by declare modify see also
abstract       Methods keyword 
  • to indicate that a class cannot be instantiated
  • or to indicate that a method has no implementation
 A keyword that means a class cannot be instantiated    abstract methodmethod, class, interface 
access modifier     keywordvisibility modifierAccess Control   to control which other code can have access to a method or variablethe definition of a method, instance variable or class variableA keyword that specifies how restricted the access is to a class or interface or variable or method private, protected, public    access mode
boolean^3       Variables and Data Types keyword to indicate that a variable is of type boolean         
break       Loops and Decision Making keyword to indicate a break statement         
byte^3       Variables and Data Types keyword to indicate that a variable is of type byte         
case       Loops and Decision Making keyword to label the case clause of a switch-case statement        switch-case statement
catch       Exception Handling keyword to indicate the catch block(s) of a try-catch-finally statement         
char^3       Variables and Data Types keyword to indicate that a variable is of type char         
class^2       Classes keyword   A keyword that must be in a class declaration       
continue       Loops and Decision Making keyword to indicate a continue statement         
double^3       Variables and Data Types keyword to indicate that a variable is of type double         
extends      Classes
//Create a subclass
public class MortgageAccount extends Account
// body of the class
keyword to create a subclass A keyword that indicates a class is a subclass of another class or an interface is a subinterface of another interface       
final       Methods keyword to indicate that a class or method is final       classes, methods or variables 
finally       Exception Handling keyword to indicate the finally block of a try-catch-finally statement         
float^3       Variables and Data Types keyword to indicate that a variable is of type float        float^2
className implements Interface1 (,Interface2, Interface3 ...)
    Interfaces keyword   A keyword that declares that your class implements one or more interfaces   implements clause in a class that indicates that the class contains methods for each of the operations specified by the interface   
import       Packages keyword to indicate an import statement         
int^3       Variables and Data Types keyword to indicate that a variable is of type int        Integer class
interface^2       Interfaces keyword to indicate an interface definition A Java language keyword used to define a collection of method definitions and constant values      interface
long^3       Variables and Data Types keyword to indicate that a variable is of type long        long^2
native       Methods keyword   A keyword that indicates that the method code is not written in Java     method declaration 
new       Objects keyword          new operator
package^2       Packagespackage finance.banking.accounts;keyword to declare the package that a class belongs to        package, package statement
short^3       Variables and Data Types keyword to indicate that a variable is of type short        short^2
static       Methods keyword to indicate that a variable or method belongs to the class and not to the instances A keyword that means a variable or method belongs to the class and not to the instancesto mark a class variable or class method      
//Example of a constructor that explicitly calls a constructor in the superclass using the keyword super
public Movie(int m)}
keyword  A keyword that refers to the superclass of an object       
synchronized    the method modifies the internal state of the class or the internal state of an instance of the class in a way that is not thread-safe  Threads keyword         class or instance methodsynchronized instance method, synchronized class method
this       Methods
//Example of a constructor that calls another constructor in the same class using the keyword this
public Movie(int s, int a, int d, int m)}
this(s, a, d);
keyword to refer to the current object or is used instead of the class name as the constructor name A keyword that refers to the current object or is used instead of the class name as the constructor name  the current object    
throw       Exception Handling
throw new MyException("my exceptional condition occurred");
keyword to indicate a throw statement         
throws       Exception Handling
// A method definition with a throws 
public void open_file() throws IOException {
// Statements here that might generate an uncaught java.op.IOException
keyword to indicate a throws clause         
transient a field that is not part of an object's persistent state and needs not be serialized with the object in Java 1.1 a variable not to be written out when an instance is serialized   Object Serialization keywordJava 1.0        instance fields in a class 
try       Exception Handling keyword to indicate the try block of a try-catch-finally statement         
void       Methods keyword   A keyword that indicates that a method returns no result       
volatile    the field is used by synchronized threads and that the compiler should not attempt to perform optimizations with it  Threads keyword         fields 

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