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file comparison table
Subject abbreviate as have have advantage support by have example be executed by have purpose have file name extension have extension be in has definition use compress declare contain create using
class file  a name that is the same as the source (Java) name except for the extension .class   a Java Virtual Machineto hold the compiled code of a program.class  A file that contains Java bytecodes   bytecode 
Java Archive file jar file when an applet is run, only one file needs to be downloaded from the web server instead of separate files for each class, image, audio file needed by the appletversions 4.0 and higher of Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer  to consolidate class files into a single file for more compact storage , distribution , and transmission   A collection of Java classes and other files packaged into a single file   class files and a manifest filethe jar tool
source file    the file called contains the class Demonstrate   .javaa directory whose name reflects the name of the package to which the source code belongsA file that contains source codethe import statement to use the facilities of another package the package to which its class belongs using the package keywordmore that one class but only one class can be public 

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