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weasel comparison table
Subject share den call be curious eat by kill by be intelligent have distribution make nest of have status have lifespan have name in French be aquatic live in spend the winter with live under be diurnal have picture live see trap for is a kind of kill for have habitat have scientific name have population density tame depend on be secretive be important to use be trapped for be rare be amphibious be have Family name
carnivore                    mammal              
weasel                    carnivore             Family Mustelidae
badger    humans southern prairies   blaireau d'Amérique large burrow as long as 30 ft and as deep as 10 ft       weasel open prairies, farmlands, parklandsTaxidea taxus          Family Mustelidae
black-footed ferret        probably extinct in Canada putois d'Amérique enlarged rodent den     in 1937 in the wild in Canada weasel arid, short-grass prairieMustela nigripes          Family Mustelidae
ermine stoat  coyotes, badgers, foxes, hawks, owls, martens, wolverines, fishers, humans all of Canadafur, feathers, grass, leaves  hermine     in hollow log, under building, in burrow of mouse, ground squirrel, chipmunk or pocket gopher  weaselfur by humansboreal coniferous forests, mixed forests, tundra, meadow edges, shrubby river banks, lakeshoresMustella erminea  mice       Family Mustelidae
fisher    humans     pékan den in hollow tree or log, rock crevice, brush pile       weasel climax coniferous forest near waterMartes pennanti          Family Mustelidae
least weasel   long-tailed weasels, owls, feral house cats  much of Canada except the Maritimes, southern Ontario and Quebec, coastal BC and the northeastern arctic tundra   belette pygmée mouse, pocket gopher or mole burrow       weasel stubble fields, meadows, river banks, parklands, mixed forestsMustela nivalis         the smallest carnivore in CanadaFamily Mustelidae
long-tailed weasel      southern Canada   belette à longue queue         weasel open grassland, aspen parklands, river bottom landsMustela frenata          Family Mustelidae
marten        threatened in Newfoundland martre d'Amérique         weasel old growth coniferous or mixed woods forestMartes americana    fur industry     Family Mustelidae
mink   great horned owls, bobcats, red foxes, coyotes, wolves, black bears  most of Canada south of the treeline except Newfoundland, Anticosti Island and the Queen Charlotte Islands   vison d'Amérique den under the roots of trees, along stream banks, occasionally in beaver or muskrat lodges      weasel  Mustela vison3 - 8.5 mink per square km of good habitat     fur   Family Mustelidae
river otter   coyotes, wolves  all of Canada except the high arctic  up to 16 years in captivityloutre de rivière hollow logs, stumps, roots, beaver lodges      furweasel shores of deep, clear lakes, rivers, marshes and ocean baysLontra canadensis          Family Mustelidae
sea otter   killer whale  west coast of Canada  about 8 yearsloutre de mer        weasel the sea, off rocky reefs, islets and coastsEnhydra lutris     flat stone as an anvil for pounding mussel shells to open them    Family Mustelidae
striped skunk   great horned owl, bobcat, coyote, fisher  most of southern Canada   mouffette rayée burrow of groundhog or cottontail rabbitup to 12 other skunks in a den mostly females with young     weasel agricultural land, forest, along river valleysMephitis mephitis5.2 per square km of agricultural land         Family Mustelidae
western spotted skunkin winter with other skunks  domestic cats and dogs, great horned owl  south-western British Columbia   mouffette tachetée groundhog burrow, hollow log, stump, tree       weasel scrubland, canyons and farmlandSpilogale gracilis5 skunks per square km of good agricultural land         Family Mustelidae
wolverine    wolves, porcupines, humans northern Canada as far north as Ellesmere Island   carcajou   fallen tree, upturned root, rocky crevice, low tree bough    weasel boreal forests, tundra, alpine tundraGulo gulo          Family Mustelidae

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