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beaked whale comparison table
Subject is a kind of have scientific name
toothed whalewhale, dolphin or porpoise 
beaked whaletoothed whale 
Blainville's beaked whalebeaked whaleCynomys ludovicianus
giant beaked whalebeaked whaleBerardius bairdii
goose-beaked whalebeaked whaleZiphius cavirostris
Moore's beaked whalebeaked whaleMesoplodon carlhubbsi
northern bottlenosed whalebeaked whalehuperoodon ampullatus
Sowerby's beaked whalebeaked whaleMesoplodon bidens
Stejneger's beaked whalebeaked whaleMesoplodon stejnegeri
True's beaked whalebeaked whaleMesoplodon mirus

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