CSI4124/SYS5110 Foundations of Modeling and Simulation Fall 2005

Instructor: Lucia Moura Phone: 562-5800 X-6678
Office: STE 5027 email: lucia@site.uottawa.ca
Office Hours: Thursdays 2:30-3:30
(alternative time: Wednesdays 10:00-11:00)
Teaching assistant: Zhiping Duan contact: zduan@site.uottawa.ca
web: www.site.uottawa.ca/~lucia/courses/fms-05/  
There is a webCT page with most materials.  

Lectures: Thursdays 16:00-19:00 Room: SCS E 218

Calendar Description: Fundamentals aspects of system modeling and the simulation process. Elements of continuous system simulation. Issues relating to numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. Elements of discrete event simulation. Generation of random numbers and variates. Simulation validation and quality assurance. Introduction to simulation languages.
(CSI3150 or MAT 2324 or MAT 2331) and MAT2375
CSI1100 and (MAT2324 or MAT 2331) and MAT2375


  1. L. Birta and G. Arbez, Modeling and simulation: a comprehensive introduction, class notes/draft textbook, 2004 - 4 chapters (available from course webCT page exclusively for students in this course)
  2. A.M. Law and W.D. Kelton, Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill,2000. (on hold at the Moriset library)
  3. J. Banks, J.S. Carson II, B.L. Nelson and D.M. Nicol, Discrete-event system simulation, 4th edition, 2005 (on hold at the Moriset library)
  4. Papers: available from course web page.

Course outline:

  1. Introduction to modeling and simulation. (1 week)
  2. The modeling and simulation process (1 week)
  3. Discrete event dynamic system (DEDS) modeling and simulation (6-7 weeks):
    DEDS conceptual modeling framework; (1-1.5 week)
    DEDS simulation models; (1 week)
    Using GPSS for process-oriented simulation (2 weeks)
    Data modeling and random behaviour; (1-1.5 week)
    Experiments and output analysis (1 week)
  4. Continuous system modeling and simulation (2-3 weeks)

Assignment1 (5%), Makeup Mark for A2 (max{Final Project,A1}:5%), Midterm Test (20%), Final Exam (40%), Project (30%:proposal 5%, conceptual model 5%,final project 20%)

Important dates/Due dates:

Policies: Please read from the course webCT page my policies on plagiarism, missed midterm and lateness on assignment/project submission.