Laboratory 11: Final Exam 2003 - Part I

In this lab, you will have a simulation of the first hour of a final exam, practicing with multiple choice questions.

Solve questions 1-14, except question 13 (you have not seen the material).

At the end of the lab the TA will give you the answer key for the questions.
You are responsible for completing the written questions at home, timing yourself to spend 1.5-2hs.
In the next lab, selected questions of the exam will be solved by the TAs. 

Question 20: Separator "BU" should read "BUT", separator "YIL" should read "YIT", key "YILON" should read "YITON".
Question 21: There are typos to be corrected in various fileds as specified below:
In file "Primary Index", field "reference to datafile": in index 1 the entry should be 2, in index 7 the entry should be 1.
In file "Id List File", field "ref/pointer": in index 1 entry should be -1, in index 6 entry should be 1.

Note: For best simulation, please bring a copy of the exam handout, otherwise you will have to look at the screen and solve in a separate piece of paper.