Assignment#3 - marking grid - marked by James Fei Xin

Testing diagnosis (TA chooses (X) one of the two below)
    (  ) Program doesn't compile or always crash when run
         Based on amount of code implemented and code style,
         your mark is ____ out of 35.

    (  ) Program compiles and run for at least one of the ouputs
         Comments on testing results:
         problems found:

Style ___/5

Correctness and efficiency ___/95

    Index class:

    1) constructor : argument passing & initializations - 5
       constructor : creating empty index - 5

    2) insert: progressive overflow- no bucket - 5
       insert: progressive overflow- bucket    - 5
       insert: double hashing- no bucket       - 5
       insert: double hashing- bucket          - 5

    3) search: progressive overflow- no bucket - 10
       search: progressive overflow- bucket    - 10
       search: double hashing- no bucket       -  5
       search: double hashing- bucket          - 10

    4) calculating average search length (5), max search length (3),
    packing density (2) - 10

    Main program:

    1) implementing hash functions - 7

    2) handling the files          - 5

    3) calls to 8 variations       - 8