CSI2131 File Management Winter 2003 Assignment#0 (worth 2%, due date: Tues Jan 28 10:30 a.m.) This assignment consists of a trivial task for which you will be awarded 2%. The purpose of this assignment is that you get used to submitting files electronically via WebCT. Note that it is extremely important that you follow the instructions and the standards for submission for all assignments, including this one. Marks will be deducted if you don't follow the standards. The standards are established in order to minimize the time spent by the teaching assistants in mechanical tasks (like downloading files, renaming files), so as to utilize all their time in important tasks like reading your programs with care, testing them and giving you feedback. Create the following files: 1) Filename: "acknow.txt" Read the policy on plagiarism in the course web page and ask me if you have any questions about it. After all your doubts have been clarified, create a textfile (with "Notepad" or any other simple text editor) containing the following statement acknowledging your understanding: I have read and understood the policy on plagiarism stated at the course web page. Student name: Student number: Course and section: CSI2131A or CSI2131B 2) Filename: "hello.cpp" Write a small C++ program that prints the phrase "Hello, world!" in the console (standard output). Your program must compile under Microsoft Visual Studio C++ .NET compiler, and run correctly. Every FILE that you submit in this assignment as well as in any future assignment must contain at the top the following information: Full Name: Lastname, First student number: course and section: CSI2131A or CSI2131B When the file is a program, insert this information as comments, of course: start the line with "//" in C++. HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR FILES Create a directory/folder with the first letter (lower case) being your section in the course followed by the digits in your student number. For instance, if your student number is 87878787 and you are in section A, your directory/folder should be named a87878787. Copy the two files you have created (acknow.txt and hello.cpp) into the directory/folder a87878787. Zip this directory, creating a file a87878787.zip Submit file a87878787.zip as your assignment#0.