Part B - what test 1, test 2, test3 are: Test by TA Xiaoyan Sun: test 1: coursesCS.txt (31), search: CSI2131 and CSI3504 test 2: coursesEng.txt (263), search: CSI2131 and CNG4570 test 3: courses.txt (2063), search: CSI2131 and CRM3312 Some extra tests for absent keys. Test by TA Zhengdao test 1: coursesCS.txt (31), search: CSI2131 and CSI1301 test 2: coursesEng.txt (263), search: CSI2131 and CNG4570 test 3: courses.txt (2063), search: CSI2131 and CRM3312 Some extra tests for absent keys, specifically: coursesCS.txt (101) with search for CSI9999.