Speaker: Kevin Cheung, University of Waterloo Time: Friday, March 14, 10:00 a.m. Place: room: SITE-1010 (note room), University of Ottawa Title: On recognizing (2k+1)-edge-connected (2k+1)-regular bicritical graphs In 1995, Dillencourt and Smith gave a linear-time algorithm for testing if a 3-dimensional trivalent polytope is combinatorially equivalent to one that is inscribed in the sphere. It can be shown that one part of their algorithm determines if a non-bipartite 3-connected 3-regular planar graph is bicritical. (A graph G=(V,E) is bicritical if G-u-v has a perfect matching for every pair of vertices u and v.) In this talk, I will show a generalization of their ideas and describe an O(r^2 |V|log(|V|/r)) algorithm that recognizes r-edge-connected r-regular bicritical graphs where r is odd and at least 3. For recognizing bicritical graphs in general, the O(|V||E|) algorithm by Lou and Zhong (2001) has the best known time-complexity bound.