Speakers: Lucia Moura and Karen Meagher, University of Ottawa Time: Wednesday, July 31, 1:30 p.m. Place: room: 5084, SITE (800 King Edward), University of Ottawa title: Two generalizations of covering arrays abstract: Lucia and Karen will present two short talks which they will present at the SIAM conference on Discrete Math in August. The two abstracts are below. Talk 1: by Lucia Moura (approx 25 min) "Covering Arrays with Heterogeneous Alphabet Sizes" Covering arrays are generalizations of orthogonal arrays that have been used in software and network testing. The vast majority of previous research has made the simplifying assumption that each row (factor, parameter) of a covering array has the same alphabet size (number of levels, parameter values). This assumption is perhaps the most significant obstacle to the application of the potent mathematical theory of covering arrays to practical problems. In this talk, we present a number of constructions for covering arrays with heterogeneous alphabet sizes. Some are generalizations of constructions for the homogeneous case, while others take advantage of differences between alphabet sizes. These results provide a basic framework for future theoretical and computational research on these interesting combinatorial objects. This is joint work with John Stardom, Brett Stevens and Alan Williams. Talk 2: By Karen Meagher (approx. 25 min) "Covering arrays on structured networks" In this paper we extend the definition of 2-covering arrays to include an underlying graph structure. We then construct covering arrays on graphs. We know that for any graph there is a covering array at least as small as the covering array for the chromatic number of the graph. In this paper we find graphs with covering arrays strictly smaller than the covering arrays on the chromatic number. We start with focusing on a binary alphabet and develop a restriction on what graphs can have this property by constructing a family of graphs. We find a few specific examples. Finally we consider larger alphabet sizes and find an example for a 6-ary alphabet. This is a joint work with Brett Stevens.