Speaker: Jit Bose, Carleton University Time: Wednesday, January 23, 1:30 p.m. Place: HP4369 School of Math and Stats, Carleton University Title: Worst-Case-Optimal Algorithms for Guard/Utility Placement on Polyhedral Surfaces abstract: We present an optimal $\Theta(n)$-time algorithm for the selection of a subset of the vertices of an $n$-vertex plane graph $G$ so that each of the faces of $G$ is covered by (i.e. incident with) one or more of the selected vertices. At most $\lfloor n/2 \rfloor$ vertices are selected, matching the worst-case requirement. Analogous results for edge-covers are developed for two different notions of ``coverage''. In particular, our linear-time algorithm selects at most $n - 2$ edges to {\em strongly} cover $G$, at most $\lfloor n/3 \rfloor$ diagonals to cover $G$, and in the case where $G$ has no quadrilateral faces, at most $\lfloor n/3 \rfloor$ edges to cover $G$. All these bounds match the worst-case requirements. Our algorithms apply directly to the location of guards, utilities or illumination sources on the vertices or edges of polyhedral surfaces or planar subdivisions.