SEG4289 – Test Guidelines


The test will be 80 minutes but you should only need half that time to complete the exam.

The test will be CLOSED book.

There will be short answer questions related to an Ecommerce scenario based on material covered in class.  You are responsible for the material explicitly referenced as “Lecture Notes” for each class in the class schedule.  All the material is available on-line at:


In answering the questions it is expected that you will demonstrate you understand the definitions of key terms and acronyms introduced in this course, and can discuss the relevant issues for electronic commerce and apply the appropriate architectural principles.  Listed below are the key terms and acronyms you are expected to know:



            Electronic Commerce Architecture, J2EE

            Communication, Document, Data, Firewall

            Business, Law, Technology

            Value-added Services, scalability, security, international

            B2B / B2C / C2C / G2B /G2C

            Business Matching Scenario


Week 2

            Privacy, P3P, PIPEDA, Cookie Synchronization, Permissioned Marketing, Ad servers, personalization

Data mining, Association, Classification, Decision Trees, Rules, Predictive Accuracy, Lift, Return on Investment (ROI),

Value Proposition, Personalization, User Profile, Customer Segment, Promotion, Cross Sell, Up Sell, Click Through Rate

Consumer Tracking Service Scenario


Week 3

            HTML, XML, DTD, XSLT, DOM, SAX

            HTTPServlet, HTTPSession, HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse, Cookie

Url, HTTPUrlConnection, HTTP Get, HTTP Post

SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, Web Service

            CGI (Environment variables, STDIN,STDOUT, STDERR)

ISAPI, NSAPI, extension, filter, dynamically loaded libraries

Java Web Containers, JSP pages, Servlet, Session State, Template Service, Taglet,

            Commerce Server, Order Processing, Store Template


Week 4

            Scalability (throughput vs. performance), processes, threads

            Synchronized method, caching, connection pools, string operations, system calls

            Server Farm or Server Cluster architecture, reliability, failover

            Search Engine, recall %, precision%, Page Rank algorithm, web crawler, links, anchors, document index

            Search Service Scenario


Week 5

            Transaction, JDBC, JTA, ACID (atomic, consistency, integrity, durability), deadlock

Firewalls, Virtual Private Network, Leased Lines,

            Authentication, identification, authorization, ACL, declarative vs programmatic

            Security, encryption, audit, PKI, VPN, certificate authority, Entrust TruePass

            Credit Card Scenario


Week 6

            Internationalization vs Localization, handling of labels, content, error messages, numbers, character sets, dates, cultural symbols, gestures, graphics, etc.

Locale, character set, resource bundles, ASCII, Unicode, UTF encoding, date formatting, collating

            Federated Identity Management, Liberty Alliance, OpenID, anonymous vs pseudononymous vs veronymous

            Legal Entities, Agents, Contracts, Receipts, Audit Trail, Value Proposition, Supply Chain

            Credit Card Scenario


 Week 7          

            Study Break


Week 8

            J2SE, JVM, J2ME, KVM,


            ECMAScript, CSS, Applets, browser vs application clients

            AJAX, HTTP Packet, DHTML, XMLHTTP, XMLDOM objects, validating inputs, Cookie

            Accessibility, Web Accessibility Initiative Guidelines, Canadian Federal Government Guidelines, US Federal Government Guidelines, HTML Validation

            Mobile Devices


Week 9

Intellectual Property, Digital Rights Management, Distribution Rights, Peer to Peer, Digital Watermark

Usage Restrictions (pay per use, subscription period, player restriction)

Content Registry or Catalog

Digital Rights Management Scenario



Week 10

            Symmetric vs Asymmetric Encryption, one-time pad, public & private key, certificate authority, Public Key Infrastructure

Privacy, Authentication, Integrity, Non-Repudiation

Blind signatures, electronic cash, elections, voter, tallier, validator, accurate, democratic, private, verifiable

Voter Registration, Voter Authentication, Ballot Validation, Ballot Tally

Voting Service Scenario


Week 11

Agent, Agent Management System, Agent Communication Channel (ACC), Agent Communication Language (ACL), Ontology

Business Registry, Trading Exchanges, Trading Roles, Transactions, Messages

            ebXML, FIPA, FIPA-ACL(CFP)

Auctions (English, Dutch, First Price Sealed Bid, Vickrey, Double, Integrative, Multi-dimensional)

Winner’s Curse, Market Valuation, Collusion, Common Value, Reservation Price, Private Valuation

            Reverse Auction Agent Bidding Scenario


Week 12

            Social Networks, Web 2.0, Reputation System

            Six degrees of separation, Super Nodes, Sybil Attack


Week 13

            Test. Review


Week 14
