Part 1 - CSI5380 Project Group: Grader(Group): Date: Total: x/20 General Comments: Testing and Screen Shots x/5 ProductCatalog.getCategoryList ProductCatalog.getProductList ProductCatalog.getProductInfo ProductCatalog.invalidIDS,unknown actions etc. OrderProcess.createOrder OrderProcess.createAccount OrderProcess.getAccount OrderProcess.confirmOrder OrderProcess.missinginfo,accountExists,invalidOrder,unknownactions etc. SessionController.CDStorePage (categories,products,info etc.) SessionController.ShoppingCart (add,remove,view) SessionController.Account Order (create account, get account, enter info, credit card, submit order etc.) SessionController.reject5th, invalid password, invalidactions,missinginfo etc.) Comments: Documentation x/5 Readme (identifies source code locations, test data/scripts location, design document, member contributions) Instructions for configuration/installation Organization of source code into packages What each member did description Clear identification of third party dependencies (soure code, jars etc.) Test Data and Expected Results Clearly Defined Quality of writing in design document (clear and effective) Map from Application Screen shots to Architecture to Source Code (Packages and Classes) Deployment Diagram, Package Diagram, Interaction Diagrams (UML) Key mechanisms and design patterns, assumptions,decisions clearly identified in design document Class Diagrams not required. Each Class and method and DB Schema documented in code Comments: Source Code / Design x/10 Quality of code (clear and effective) Decomposition into reusable components (utilities, standard mechanisms etc.) DB Schema (Modified appropriately from sample schema) DB Agent Connection Pool DB Agent Transactions DB Agent Configurable (SQL statements, connection pool size, from file on init) DB Agent Interface (properly defined as public) DB Agent, separate package, only package to import java.sql Synchronized Not Used Anywhere Product Catalog Web Service Order Process Web Service Session Controller Shopping Cart Model (separate package) CD Store JSP Shopping Cart JSP Account Info JSP LogIn Filter pattern Order Form JSP .css/.js in files, HTML separate from JSP separate from Java Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Individual Audit Individual: Grader (Individual): Total: x/10 General COmments: Compile source code and do a demo x/2 Show contents of db, before and after demo. Compile and run at least 1 test driver. Comments: SSL Configuration x/2 Show how to create keystore using keytool in command prompt Show how to configure SSL in Tomcat Comments: JDBC Driver Configuraiton x/3 Show where the JDBC driver .jar file is located. Show where the jdbc driver is identified and used in application to make a connection. Show how to configure the connection pool. Comments: Web Service Configuration x/3 Show were the web service methods are defined for Product Catalog, Order Processing Show where they are called. Explain how the SOAP messages are generated and parsed. Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Individual Audit Individual: Grader (Individual): Total: x/10 General COmments: Compile source code and do a demo x/2 Show contents of db, before and after demo. Compile and run at least 1 test driver. Comments: SSL Configuration x/2 Show how to create keystore using keytool in command prompt Show how to configure SSL in Tomcat Comments: JDBC Driver Configuraiton x/3 Show where the JDBC driver .jar file is located. Show where the jdbc driver is identified and used in application to make a connection. Show how to configure the connection pool. Comments: Web Service Configuration x/3 Show were the web service methods are defined for Product Catalog, Order Processing Show where they are called. Explain how the SOAP messages are generated and parsed. Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Individual Audit Individual: Grader (Individual): Total: x/10 General COmments: Compile source code and do a demo x/2 Show contents of db, before and after demo. Compile and run at least 1 test driver. Comments: SSL Configuration x/2 Show how to create keystore using keytool in command prompt Show how to configure SSL in Tomcat Comments: JDBC Driver Configuraiton x/3 Show where the JDBC driver .jar file is located. Show where the jdbc driver is identified and used in application to make a connection. Show how to configure the connection pool. Comments: Web Service Configuration x/3 Show were the web service methods are defined for Product Catalog, Order Processing Show where they are called. Explain how the SOAP messages are generated and parsed. Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Individual Audit Individual: Grader (Individual): Total: x/10 General COmments: Compile source code and do a demo x/2 Show contents of db, before and after demo. Compile and run at least 1 test driver. Comments: SSL Configuration x/2 Show how to create keystore using keytool in command prompt Show how to configure SSL in Tomcat Comments: JDBC Driver Configuraiton x/3 Show where the JDBC driver .jar file is located. Show where the jdbc driver is identified and used in application to make a connection. Show how to configure the connection pool. Comments: Web Service Configuration x/3 Show were the web service methods are defined for Product Catalog, Order Processing Show where they are called. Explain how the SOAP messages are generated and parsed. Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Individual Audit Individual: Grader (Individual): Total: x/10 General COmments: Compile source code and do a demo x/2 Show contents of db, before and after demo. Compile and run at least 1 test driver. Comments: SSL Configuration x/2 Show how to create keystore using keytool in command prompt Show how to configure SSL in Tomcat Comments: JDBC Driver Configuraiton x/3 Show where the JDBC driver .jar file is located. Show where the jdbc driver is identified and used in application to make a connection. Show how to configure the connection pool. Comments: Web Service Configuration x/3 Show were the web service methods are defined for Product Catalog, Order Processing Show where they are called. Explain how the SOAP messages are generated and parsed. Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Individual Audit Individual: Grader (Individual): Total: x/10 General COmments: Compile source code and do a demo x/2 Show contents of db, before and after demo. Compile and run at least 1 test driver. Comments: SSL Configuration x/2 Show how to create keystore using keytool in command prompt Show how to configure SSL in Tomcat Comments: JDBC Driver Configuraiton x/3 Show where the JDBC driver .jar file is located. Show where the jdbc driver is identified and used in application to make a connection. Show how to configure the connection pool. Comments: Web Service Configuration x/3 Show were the web service methods are defined for Product Catalog, Order Processing Show where they are called. Explain how the SOAP messages are generated and parsed. Comments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------