Marking scheme for Assignment 1 ------------------------------- Hello all, Below are some guide lines for marking Assignment 1. Question 1 (50 points) ---------- - For each missing aggregation take off 3 points. - For each missing weak entity (both the entity set and the identifying relationahip) take off 3 points. - For each missing key constraint take off 2 points. - For each missing total participation take off 2 points. - For each missing entity set take off 1 point. - For each missing relationaship set take off 1 points. - For each missing indication of key attribute take off 1 point. - For each missing indication of partial key attribute take off 1 point. - For each missing table, take off 1 point. - For each missing key constraint take off 0.5 point. - For each missing document about the constraint from the ER diagram that can not be captured take off 1 point. - For each inappropriate amount of entity sets or relationship sets take off 3 points. - For each inappropriate expression in CHECK statement take off 1 point. - In Question 1, part A and B are assigned to 20 points respectively, part C is assigned to 10 points. Remark: 1) Don't take off any mark for missing the ISA hierarchy. 2) Don't take off any mark for missing attributes of entities. 3) Be aware of the fact that the students may have different, but correct diagrams or tables, in which case you should give them full marks. Question 2 (30 points) ---------- The relational agebra and calculus have each 2 points (1 for the calculus part and one for the algebra part). The SQL constraints have each 2 points. The SQL queries have each 3 points, except the last one that has 4 points. In general, do the following: - Give 3/4 of the marks if at half of the solution is there. - Whenever you see that the student has the right idea but the syntax is slightly wrong, give full marks. - Be leniant on the syntax (particularly on the SQL queries). Question 3 (20 points) ---------- See guide lines for Question 2. The SQL ICs have each 6 points, except the last one (the trigger) that has 8 points.