The basic business purpose is to create information products that accelerate the advancement of
knowledge and improve the effictiveness of people and organizations. The company’s products and services
are used in industry, business, engineering, science medecine and education in approximately 110 countries.
Access guide
About HP
Worldwide Contacts (special link for HP in Latin America).
The American Society for Information Science This organization is dedicated to the creation, organization,
dissemination and application of knowledge concerning information and its transfer. You will find specific
information about "Upcoming Meetings", "Software of Interest, "Special Interest Groups" such as : Automated Language
Processing etc.
Information Science Institutes
ISI has sponsored research projects underway in the areas of : software sciences, artificial intelligence,
design automation etc. Technical Reports are available on this Server.
Division of Management Information Sciences of the Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration.
CA University of South California : ISI (Information Science Institute).
CATRIONA CATaloging and
Retrieval of Information over Network Applications.
Réseau Documentaire de Grenoble.
Il s'agit d'un projet du Pôle Europeen. Le but est de fournir des informations sur toutes les bibliothèques
et Centres de Documentation de la région grenobloise, et de faciliter l'accès à leur catalogues.
Le réseau DIC-DOC :
Afin de répondre aux besoins de la communauté scientifique, ce réseau propose des produits
de recherche documentaire développés par les Chercheurs et Ingénieurs en Documentation
de l'Institut INSERM.
Les domaines suivis par le réseau DIC-DOC :
Etudes bibliographiques multibases
Indexation des revues françaises de la base MEDLINE
Libraries and Internet
: Electronic Text Collection
This is a collection of important electronic texts regarding the subject of libraries facing the challenge of networked information. This collection is a part of "Lund University Electronic Library".
BNC Bibliothèque National du Canada
IFLA virtuel library
OPAC de la BNS Bibliothèque Nationale Suisse
Depuis le 24.octobre 1994, le catalogue de la BNS est ouvert au public, tant sur place qu'à distance par
ISI : Computer research institute affiliated
with the University of Southern CA Engineering Department.
Included in their homepage are descriptions of their various projects, brokering services and technical publications.
Also available are archives of Internet Drafts and News :