As a Chinese,  I feel the pain of losing two innocent members of our community, who loved their country and mounted on their cars the flag of China and the symbol of Beijing Olympic. Sadly, they can never go back to their homeland, or listen to the news from Beijing Olympic.

As a professor, I feel the pain of losing two young students,  whose life and career potential were just laid out in front of them. Sadly, they can never become what they wanted to become and  they will never have a chance to enjoy the reward and excitement from their first success in career.

As a father, I feel the pain of the victims' parents, who lost their beloved sons, and who had been dedicatedly bringing up the children, watching them grow up, planning their future, and perhaps dreaming of their wedding, their pretty bride, their kids, their family ...  Sadly, all left for the parents are pieces of memory...

As a citizen of Ottawa,  I am concerned with the fact that Ottawa is threatened by crimes of increasing frequency and magnitude. I urge the City of Ottawa and the Police Department make their best effort bringing the killers to justice and make their best effort returning to every citizen a peaceful Ottawa.

Whether they are good or bad students, whether they are rich or poor, may the two innocent souls find peace in heaven.
