import*; import java.util.regex.*; public class CrossRef { // ************************************************************ // * * // * main Method * // * * // ************************************************************ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println("\n * * * Welcome to the Program * * * \n"); /*CALL*/readNumFile(); System.out.println("\n * * * End of the Cross Refrencing * * * \n"); } // ************************************************************ // * * // * readNumFile Method * // * * // ************************************************************ public static void readNumFile() { String lineStNum=""; try // Read the Num.txt File { FileReader numFileReader = new FileReader("Num.txt"); BufferedReader numFileBuffer = new BufferedReader(numFileReader); lineStNum=numFileBuffer.readLine(); // System.out.println(lineStNum); readHTMLFiles(lineStNum); while(true) // Until the end of the Num.txt file { lineStNum=numFileBuffer.readLine(); if(lineStNum==null) // End of the Num.txt file { break; } // System.out.println(lineStNum); readHTMLFiles(lineStNum); } // End of the WHILE loop (End of the file) numFileReader.close(); } // End of the TRY catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Unable to Open Num.txt File"); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to Close Num.txt File"); } } // ************************************************************ // * * // * readHTMLFiles Method * // * * // ************************************************************ public static void readHTMLFiles(String tempSt) { int counter; char backslash=92; String umlword="UML"; String firstPartPath=umlword+backslash; // "UML/" String inFilePath=""; String outFilePath=""; String lineStHTMLFiles = ""; inFilePath=firstPartPath.concat(tempSt).concat(".html"); // "UML/7.3.8.html" outFilePath=tempSt.concat(".html"); // "7.3.8.html"; // System.out.println(inFilePath+" & "+outFilePath); try // Read a HTML File { FileReader htmlFilesReader = new FileReader(inFilePath); BufferedReader htmlFilesBuffer = new BufferedReader(htmlFilesReader); for(counter=0;counter<=15;counter++) // To jump the head of each HTML files { lineStHTMLFiles=htmlFilesBuffer.readLine(); writeHTMLFiles(outFilePath,lineStHTMLFiles); // System.out.println(lineStHTMLFiles); } while(true) // Until the end of a HTML file { lineStHTMLFiles=htmlFilesBuffer.readLine(); if(lineStHTMLFiles==null) // End of the HTML file { break; } // System.out.println(lineStHTMLFiles); lineStHTMLFiles=readKeywordsFile(lineStHTMLFiles); writeHTMLFiles(outFilePath,lineStHTMLFiles); // System.out.println(lineStHTMLFiles); } htmlFilesReader.close(); } // End of the TRY catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Unable to Open HTML Files"); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to Close HTML Files"); } } // ************************************************************ // * * // * readKeywordsFile Method * // * * // ************************************************************ public static String readKeywordsFile(String tempSt) { // int i,j; // String[] chars={" ",".",",",":",";","(",")"}; //Space, Period, Comma, Colon, Semicolon, Left & Right Paranthesis String lineStKeywords=""; String[] lineStKeywordsSplited; try // Read the Keywords File { FileReader keywordsFileReader = new FileReader("Unique Keywords.txt"); BufferedReader keywordsFileBuffer = new BufferedReader(keywordsFileReader); while(true) // Until the end of the Keywords.txt file { lineStKeywords=keywordsFileBuffer.readLine(); if(lineStKeywords==null) // End of the Keywords.txt file { break; } // System.out.println(lineStKeywords); lineStKeywordsSplited=lineStKeywords.split("@"); // System.out.println(lineStKeywordsSplited[0]); // System.out.println(lineStKeywordsSplited[1]); Pattern p = Pattern.compile((char)32+lineStKeywordsSplited[0]+(char)32); Matcher m = p.matcher(tempSt); tempSt = m.replaceAll((char)32+lineStKeywordsSplited[1]+(char)32); // for(i=0;i<5;i++) // { // for(j=0;j<5;j++) // { // lineStKeywordsSplited[0]=chars[i]+lineStKeywordsSplited[0]+chars[j]; // lineStKeywordsSplited[1]=chars[i]+lineStKeywordsSplited[1]+chars[j]; // System.out.println(lineStKeywordsSplited[0]); // System.out.println(lineStKeywordsSplited[1]); // Pattern p = Pattern.compile(lineStKeywordsSplited[0]); // Matcher m = p.matcher(tempSt); // tempSt = m.replaceAll(lineStKeywordsSplited[1]); // lineStKeywordsSplited[0]=lineStKeywordsSplited[0].substring(1, (lineStKeywordsSplited[0].length()-1)); // lineStKeywordsSplited[1]=lineStKeywordsSplited[1].substring(1, (lineStKeywordsSplited[1].length()-1)); // } // } } // End of the WHILE loop (End of the file) keywordsFileReader.close(); } // End of the TRY catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Unable to Open Keywords.txt File"); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to Close Keywords.txt File"); } return tempSt; } // ************************************************************ // * * // * writeHTMLFiles Method * // * * // ************************************************************ public static void writeHTMLFiles(String outFilePath, String tempString) { boolean x=true; //Each time you add a new string at the end of the FILE try // Creat a new file { FileWriter outputFileWriter = new FileWriter(outFilePath,x); outputFileWriter.write(tempString+(char)10); outputFileWriter.close(); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Unable to Open OUTPUT File"); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to close OUTPUT File"); } } // ************************************************************ // ************************************************************ // ********************End Of the Program********************** // ************************************************************ // ************************************************************ }