Scope Normative references Identical Recommendations | International Standards International Standards Abbreviations and Conventions List of Documents MOF Usage Scenarios Overview Software Development Scenarios Type Management Scenarios Information Management Scenarios Data Warehouse Management Scenarios MOF Conceptual Overview Overview Metadata Architectures The MOF Model - Metamodeling Constructs Metamodels and Mappings MOF Model and Interfaces Overview How the MOF Model is Described The Structure of the MOF Model MOF Model Classes MOF Model Associations MOF Model Data Types MOF Model Exceptions MOF Model Constants MOF Model Constraints The PrimitiveTypes Package Standard Technology Neutral Tags The MOF Abstract Mapping Overview MOF Values Semantics of Data Types Semantics of Equality for MOF Values Semantics of Class Instances Semantics of Attributes Package Composition Extents Semantics of Associations Aggregation Semantics Closure Rules Recommended Copy Semantics Computational Semantics MOF to IDL Mapping Overview Meta Objects and Interfaces Computational Semantics for the IDL Mapping Exception Framework Preconditions for IDL Generation Standard Tags for the IDL Mapping Generated IDL Issues IDL Mapping Templates The Reflective Module Introduction The Reflective Interfaces The CORBA IDL for the Reflective Interfaces Conformance Information MOF Model and its IDL Interfaces MOF to IDL Mapping MOF Metamodel Interchange Annex: Legal Information