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9.3 Computational Semantics for the IDL Mapping

   This sub clause specializes the MOF’s general computational semantics (see Clause 8, “The MOF Abstract Mapping?) for the MOF to IDL mapping.

9.3.1 The CorbaIdlTypes Package

   The IDL mapping defines PrimitiveType instances that can be used to represent CORBA specific data types in a MOF meta-model. The IDL mapping maps each of these PrimitiveType instances into CORBA IDL data types, but other technology mappings typically will not map them.

   Please note the following:

   The CorbaIdlTypes package is a MOF package whose name is “CorbaIdlTypes.? It contains the PrimitiveType instances defined below, and no other instances. The information below defines the value domain (set) for each type, and the syntax for encoding values for use in the Model::Constant “value? attribute.


   This primitive data type represents the CORBA IDL ‘octet’ type.


   This primitive data type represents the CORBA IDL ‘short’ type.


   This primitive data type represents the CORBA IDL ‘unsigned short’ type.


   This primitive data type represents the CORBA IDL ‘unsigned long’ type.


   This primitive data type represents the CORBA IDL ‘unsigned long long’ type.


   This primitive data type is the set of IEEE extended double precision floating point numbers (see ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985). This is the minimum requirement for the CORBA IDL ‘long double’ type.

value domain

constant value syntax

The subset of the rational numbers that correspond to the values representable as IEEE extended
double precision floating point numbers (96 bit).
CORBA IDL floating point literal syntax with an optional leading ‘-’ character.


   This primitive data type represents the CORBA IDL ‘string’ type.

value domain

constant value syntax

The infinite set of all finite sequences of 8 bit characters (excluding the zero character value).
A sequence of 8-bit characters. (Note: a Constant’s ‘value’ string for a CorbaString has no
surrounding quotes and contains no character escape sequences.)


   This primitive data type represents the CORBA IDL ‘char’ type.

   The set of 8 bit characters.

   value domain

   One 8-bit character. NUL is represented as an empty String. (Note: a Constant’s ‘value’ string for a CorbaChar has no surrounding quotes and contains no character escape sequences.)

   constant value syntax


   This primitive data type represents the CORBA IDL ‘wchar’ type.

value domain

constant value syntax

The set of 16 bit characters.
One 16-bit character. NUL is represented as an empty String. (Note: a Constant’s ‘value’ string for a
CorbaWChar has no surrounding quotes and contains no character escape sequences.)

   IDL for the CorbaIdlTypes module

   The IDL for the CorbaIdlTypes package is given below. The IDL is produced by applying the IDL Mapping to the package. It would typically be “#included? by the IDL for meta-models that import the CorbaIdlTypes package.

   #pragma prefix "org.omg.mof"

   module CorbaIdlTypes {

   typedef sequence < octet > OctetBag;

   typedef sequence < octet > OctetSet;

   typedef sequence < octet > OctetList;

   typedef sequence < octet > OctetUList;

   typedef sequence < short > ShortBag;

   typedef sequence < short > ShortSet;

   typedef sequence < short > ShortList;

   typedef sequence < short > ShortUList;

   typedef sequence < unsigned short > UShortBag;

   typedef sequence < unsigned short > UShortSet;

   typedef sequence < unsigned short > UShortList;

   typedef sequence < unsigned short > UShortUList;

   typedef sequence < unsigned long > ULongBag;

   typedef sequence < unsigned long > ULongSet;

   typedef sequence < unsigned long > ULongList;

   typedef sequence < unsigned long > ULongUList;

   typedef sequence < unsigned long long > ULongLongBag; typedef sequence < unsigned long long > ULongLongSet;

   typedef sequence < unsigned long long > ULongLongList;

   typedef sequence < unsigned long long > ULongLongUList;

   typedef sequence < long double > ULongDoubleBag;

   typedef sequence < long double > ULongDoubleSet;

   typedef sequence < long double > ULongDoubleList;

   typedef sequence < long double > ULongDoubleUList;

   typedef sequence < string > StringBag;

   typedef sequence < string > StringSet;

   typedef sequence < string > StringList;

   typedef sequence < string > StringUList;

   typedef sequence < char > CharBag;

   typedef sequence < char > CharSet;

   typedef sequence < char > CharList;

   typedef sequence < char > CharUList;

   typedef sequence < wchar > WCharBag;

   typedef sequence < wchar > WCharSet;

   typedef sequence < wchar > WCharList;

   typedef sequence < wchar > WCharUList;

   // This interface would be inheritted by any the Package interface for any Package

   // that inheritted the CorbaIdlTypes package

   interface CorbaIdlTypesPackage : Reflective::RefPackage { };

   // This interface is here for completeness only. There is no point in instantiating

   // the CorbaIdlTypesPackage interface.

   interface CorbaIdlTypesPackageFactory {

   CorbaIdlTypesPackage create_corba_idl_types_package() raises (Reflective::MofError); }; };

9.3.2 Mapping of MOF Data Types to CORBA IDL Types

   The following MOF PrimitiveType instances are mapped to CORBA IDL types in the IDL mapping. Other PrimitiveType instances have no defined mapping.

PrimitiveType instance

Corresponding IDL type

PrimitiveTypes::Boolean boolean
PrimitiveTypes::Integer long
PrimitiveTypes::Long long long
PrimitiveTypes::Float float
PrimitiveTypes::Double double
PrimitiveTypes::String wstring
CorbaIdlTypes::CorbaOctet octet
CorbaIdlTypes::CorbaShort short
CorbaIdlTypes::CorbaUnsignedShort unsigned short
CorbaIdlTypes::CorbaUnsignedLong unsigned long
CorbaIdlTypes::CorbaUnsignedLongLong unsigned long long
CorbaIdlTypes::CorbaLongDouble long double
CorbaIdlTypes::CorbaString string
CorbaIdlTypes::CorbaChar char
CorbaIdlTypes::CorbaWChar wchar

   NOTE: The MOF to IDL mapping does not define a standard mapping to the following CORBA IDL primitive data types: Principal, TypeCode, Any.

   The MOF constructed data types are mapped to CORBA IDL types, as follows.

DataType subtype

Corresponding IDL type

StructureType(name, fields) struct name { fields};.
CollectionType(name, type, ...) typedef sequence < type > name;
EnumerationType(name, labels) enum name { labels };
AliasType(name, type) typedef type name;

   NOTE: The MOF to IDL mapping does not define a standard mapping to the following CORBA IDL constructed types: arrays, bounded sequences, bounded strings, bounded wide strings, fixed types, union types, value types, boxed value types, interface types or abstract interface types.

   © ISO/IEC 2005 - All rights reserved

9.3.3 Value Types and Equality in the IDL Mapping

   The IDL mapping defines all MOF Instance types as CORBA object types that are descended from the “RefObject? interface; see 10.2.4, “Reflective::RefAssociation (abstract),? on page 265 . Equality of Instance objects should be implemented as follows:

   NOTE: An implementation must take care when comparing Instance object values to distinguish between non-existent (i.e., deleted) Instance objects and objects that may only be temporarily inaccessible. An operation should only raise an exception for a non-existent Instance object when it cannot be performed. In particular, an operation that replaces or removes defunct links or Instance values should not complain that the Instance being removed is defunct.

9.3.4 Lifecycle Semantics for the IDL Mapping

   This sub clause defines the IDL mapping’s computational model for meta-object creation and deletion. It also gives definitions of copy semantics, though these should currently be viewed as indicative rather than normative. Package object creation and deletion semantics

   An M1-level Package object for a non-nested M2-level Package is created by invoking the create operation provided by the corresponding PackageFactory object. This create operation requires the caller to supply the values for all non-derived classifier-scoped Attributes. If the supplied initial values do not have the correct multiplicity or if they individually or collectively violate immediate Constraints defined in the metamodel, the create operation should raise an exception.

   Instances of the following dependent M1-level objects are automatically created along with each M1-level Package object:

   The object references for the dependent Package and Class objects provide the “ref? attributes in the respective Package objects. The objects are initialized so that the outermost_package and enclosing_package operations return the appropriate M1-level Package objects.

   NOTE: If an M2-level Package P2 clusters an existing top-level M2 Package P1, the above rules mean that two kinds of M1level P1 Package objects can exist. If the user calls create on a P2 Package Factory object, the resulting P2 Package object will have its own dependent P1 Package object. On the other hand, if the user calls create on a P1 Package Factory, the resulting P1 Package object will be an outermost Package object. These two kinds of P1 Package objects behave identically, apart from their respective “refOutermostPackage? and “refOutermostPackage? operations; see 10.2.3, “Reflective::RefObject (abstract),? on page 254.

   When an M1-level Class Proxy object is created, the values of the non-derived classifier-level Attributes are initialized from the corresponding create operation arguments. The “all_of_type? and “all_of_kind? collections will initially be empty, since no M1-level Instance objects will have been created in the Class Proxy extent.

   NOTE: An implementation may support other mechanisms for creating or recreating outermost M1-level Package objects. Any such mechanism must also (re-)create and initialize the necessary dependent objects as above.

    An outermost M1-level Package object can be destroyed using the “refDelete? operation; see 10.2.3, “Reflective::RefObject (abstract),? on page 254. The required computational semantics for deleting an outermost Package object are straightforward. The following things must occur (in an unspecified order):

   NOTE: A typical implementation will delete the metadata and reclaim the space used to store it. However, this behavior is not essential and in some situations it could be undesirable.

   Dependent M1-level Package objects, M1-level Association objects and M1-level Class Proxy objects cannot be directly destroyed by the user. An implementation of the “refDelete? operation for these objects is required to raise an exception when called by client code. (The operations may be used to implement outermost Package deletion, but this is beyond the scope of this specification.) Instance object lifecycle semantics

   An M1-level Instance object can be created by invoking the appropriate create operation. Suitable create operations are present on both M1-level Class Proxy objects and M1-level Instance objects, depending on the M2-level Class inheritance graph. A create operation requires the caller to supply values for all non-derived instance-scoped Attributes for the Instance object. If any value does not conform to the Attribute’s multiplicity or if they individually or collectively violate any immediate Constraints on the meta-model, an exception is raised.

   An Instance object is created within the extent of a Class Proxy object for the Instance’s M2-level Class. The Class Proxy can be found as follows:

    If no Class Proxy can be found by the above, the create request violates the Supertype Closure Rule (see 9.3.11, “The Supertype Closure Rule,? on page 182) and an exception is raised.

   Creation of an Instance object will also fail if the corresponding M2-level Class is abstract. Similarly, it will fail if the M2-level Class is a “singleton? Class and an Instance object for that Class already exists within the Class Proxy’s extent. In either case, an exception is raised.

   When an Instance object is (successfully) created within the extent of a Class Proxy object, it becomes part of a collection returned by the Class Proxy object’s “all_of_kind? operation. The Instance object remains a member of that collection for its lifetime (i.e., until it is deleted).

   An Instance object will be deleted in the following three situations:

   When an Instance object is deleted the following things must occur:

   An implementation will typically delete the state of an Instance object that has been deleted, and reclaim any associated space.

   NOTE: When an Instance object is deleted, corresponding object reference values in non-composite Attributes of other objects become “dangling? references. These dangling references should not be automatically expunged or converted to nil object references, since doing so potentially destroys information and creates new structural errors. Instead, it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that dangling references in Attributes are tidied up in the most appropriate way. Link lifecycle semantics

   Links can be created and deleted in various ways. These include:

   A link is created within the extent of an Association object, and becomes part of the collection returned by the Association object’s “links()? operation. A link remains within the extent in which it was created for the lifetime of the link (i.e., until it is deleted). When a link is deleted, it is removed from the “links? collection. Removing a link does not affect the lifecycle of the linked Instance objects.

   According to, “Characteristics of M1-level Associations,? on page 151, deletion of an Instance object causes any links for that object to become meaningless. Ideally, a well-formed M1-level Association instance should not contain such links. In practice, the immediate removal of meaningless links from an M1-level Association instance cannot always be implemented, in particular in the case of links that cross outermost Package extent boundaries.

   Instead, a meta-object server is required to behave as follows. When an Instance object is deleted:

   NOTE: The above semantics means that an Association instance can legally contain links that refer to defunct Instance objects in other extents.

9.3.5 Association Access and Update Semantics for the IDL Mapping

   This sub clause describes the computational semantics of the Association object access and update operations defined in the MOF to IDL Mapping and the Reflective interfaces. With a couple of exceptions, these semantics transform one Well-formed State (as defined in, “A Mathematical Model of Association State,? on page 150) to another. The exceptions are as follows:

   M1-level Instance objects are passed as CORBA object reference values in IDL mapped operations. However, since the Association State model requires that Links connect Instances, it is not legal to pass the CORBA nil object reference value as a parameter to any operation on an M1-level Association.

   NOTE: While the semantics of Associations are described (below) in terms of sets of pairs of M1-level Instance objects, this should not be read as implying any particular implementation approach. Access Operations

   There are three kinds of link access operations in the M1-level Association interface generated by the IDL mapping:

   These operations are defined to be side-effect free; that is, they do not modify the State of the Association instance.

9.3.6 Link Addition Operations

   The operations for adding links to an M1-level Association vary, depending on whether it has an ordered M2-level AssociationEnd:

   More precisely, assuming that the first AssociationEnd is the ordered one and the new Link connects Instances i and j. The Before mapping is updated as follows:

   A number of constraints apply to the link addition operations: Link Modification Operations

   There are two “modify? operations for replacing an existing Link in the Link_Set of an M1-level Association. One operation (in effect) modifies the Instance at the first end of a Link, and the second modifies the Instance at the second end. While the operation signatures do not vary, the semantics of the “modify? operations depend on whether the M2level Association has an ordered AssociationEnd.

   A number of constraints apply to the link modification operations:

   NOTE: A modify operation of the form “modify_<end1_name>(i, j, i)? is treated as a “no-op.? In particular, it does not trigger checking of “lower? or “upper? bounds. Link Removal Operations

   The “remove? operation can be used to delete an exist Link (between i and j) from the Link_Set of an M1-level Association. The constraints that apply to the link removal operation are: Changeability, Navigability, and Derivedness

   The operation descriptions given above assume that the AssociationEnds of the M2-level Association have been defined with “isChangeable? and “isNavigable? set to true. If this is not so, the main impact is that certain operations are suppressed:

   Setting “isDerived? to be true for an M2-level Association is a “hint? that an M1-level Association’s Link_Set and Before mapping should be computed from other M1-level information. Apart from this, the IDL mapping makes no distinction between derived and non-derived Associations. Equivalent IDL interfaces are generated in each case, and the semantics are defined to be equivalent. If a derived Association’s operations are coded by hand, it is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure that they implement the required semantics.

   Some combinations of the Association and AssociationEnd flags result in generated interfaces that are of little use. For example:

9.3.7 Attribute Access and Update Semantics for the IDL Mapping

   The IDL mapping maps M2-level Attributes to a variety of operations, depending on the Attribute’s “multiplicity? settings. There are three major cases:

   Unlike Associations, the CORBA “nil? object reference is a legal (and logically distinct) value for any Class or object reference-valued Attribute. When an accessor operation returns a “nil? object reference, this does not necessarily mean that the Attribute has no value(s). In addition, the lifecycle semantics for Attributes in the IDL mapping mean that an accessor operation can return a reference for a non-existent object.

   NOTE: While the semantics of Attributes are described (below) in terms of notional relations between M1-level values, this should not be read as implying any particular implementation approach. Single-valued Attributes

   The interfaces and semantics for single-valued Attributes are the simplest to describe. A single-valued Attribute (i.e., one whose “lower? and “upper? bounds are set to one) is mapped to these IDL operations:

   The “<attr_name>? operation returns the current value of the named Attribute for an M1-level Instance object. In the single-valued case, this is a single Instance of the Attribute’s M1-level base type as mapped by the IDL mapping. In the terminology of 8.6.1, “Attribute name and type,? on page 142, the operation returns the M1-level value that is related to the Instance object by the notional “<attr_name>? Class — AttrType relation.

   The “set_<attr_name>? operation replaces the current value of the named Attribute for an M1-level Instance with a new value. As before, the new value is a single Instance of the Attribute’s M1-level base type as mapped by the IDL mapping. The operation replaces the existing Class — AttrType relationship with a new one between the Instance object and the new value.

   The behavior of “set_<attr_name>? for a Class-valued Attribute (i.e., one with “composite? aggregation semantics) is constrained as follows: Optional Attributes

   The interfaces and semantics for optional Attributes are also relatively straight-forward. An optional Attribute (i.e., one whose “lower? bound is 0 and whose “upper? bound is 1) maps to three operations:

   The IDL mapping treats an M1-level optional Attribute as having two states. In the “set? state, the Attribute has a value that is an instance of the Attribute’s M1-level base type. In the “unset? state, the Attribute has no value.

   In the single-valued case, “<attr_name>? simply returns the current M1-level value for the Attribute. In the optional case, the semantics depend on whether the Attribute is currently “set? or “unset.?

   The “set_<attr_name>? operation behaves exactly as in the single-valued case; it replaces the existing Class — AttrType relationship (if any) with a relationship with the new value. As a consequence, the Attribute enters the “set? state. The structural constraints for “set_<attr_name>? in the single-valued case apply here as well.

   The “unset_<attr_name>? operation removes the Class — AttrType relationship, if it exists, leaving the Attribute in the “unset? state. Multi-valued Attributes

   The interfaces and semantics for multi-valued Attributes are relatively complicated, and depend to a considerable extent on the settings of the “isOrdered? and “isUnique? fields of the M2-level Attribute’s “multiplicity? property.

   M1-level operations on multi-valued Attributes can be divided into two groups. The “<attr_name>? and “set_<attr_name>? operations access and update the Attribute’s state as a single value, transferring it as a CORBA sequence type. The other operations treat the Attribute’s state as a collection of values, and update it by adding, modifying, or removing individual elements of the collection.

   The “<attr_name>? and “set_<attr_name>? operations transfer an Attribute’s M1-level state using a “collection? type. This is a named IDL sequence type whose base type is the Attribute’s M1-level base type, and whose name is determined by the “name? of the Attribute’s “type? and the settings of the “isOrdered? and “isUnique? flags. For details, see, “Literal String Values,? on page 200 .

   The “<attr_name>? operation returns the multi-valued Attribute’s value as a sequence using the IDL type described above. The contents of the result comprise the collection of base type instances related to the Instance object by the Class

   — AttrType relation. If “isOrdered? is true, the order of the Class — AttrType relationships determines the order of the elements in the sequence. If the collection is empty, the returned value is a zero length sequence.

   The “set_<attr_name>? operation replaces the multi-valued Attribute’s value with a new collection of base type instances. If the Attribute is ordered, the order of the elements in the parameter value determines the order of the new Class — AttrType relationships.

   A number of restrictions apply to the “set_<attr_name>? operation for multi-valued Attributes. These are as follows:

   If the Attribute has composite semantics (i.e., the Attribute’s “type? is expressed using a Class) the following restrictions also apply:

   The IDL mapping can define up to 7 additional operations for a multi-valued Attribute. There are up to 3 operations for adding new element values to an Attribute collection, up to 2 for modifying them and up to 2 for removing them. The subset that is available for a given Attribute depends on the “isUnique? and “isOrdered? flags in the M2-level Attribute’s “multiplicity.? This is shown in the table below.



Operations available

false false add_<attr_name>, modify_<attr_name>, remove_<attr_name>
false true add_<attr_name>, modify_<attr_name>, remove_<attr_name>
true false add_<attr_name>, add_<attr_name>_before, add_<attr_name>_at, modify_<attr_name>, modify_<attr_name>_at, remove_<attr_name>, remove_<attr_name>_at
true true add_<attr_name>, add_<attr_name>_before, modify_<attr_name>, remove_<attr_name>

   When “isOrdered? is set to false, the operations provided are the basic ones for adding, modifying, or removing element values. Given that the collection is unordered, there is no need to specify the position at which a new element value is added, or (in the false, false case) which of a number of equal element values should be modified or removed. The semantics of the operations for an unordered Attribute are as follows:

   These three operations must also respect the restrictions listed above for the multi-valued “set_<attr_name>? operation.

   When “isOrdered? is set to true, the “add_<attr_name>,? “modify_<attr_name>,? and “remove_<attr_name>? operations take on additional semantics:

   In addition, the client is provided with extra operations for order sensitive element update:

   These five additional operations must also respect the restrictions listed above for the multi-valued “set_<attr_name>? operation. Changeability and Derivedness

   The previous semantic descriptions assume the M2-level Attribute has “isChangeable? set to true and “isDerived? set to false. This sub clause describes what happens if this is not the case.

   If an Attribute has “isChangeable? set to false, the effect on the IDL mapping is that all generated operations for updating the Attribute’s state are suppressed. This does not preclude the existence of other mechanisms for updating the Attribute’s state.

   Setting an Attribute’s “isDerived? flag to true, has no effect on the IDL mapping. The operations generated for the derived and non-derived cases are equivalent and they are defined to have equivalent semantics. If a derived Attribute’s operations are coded by hand, it is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure that they implement the required semantics. Classifier scoped Attributes

   The previous semantic descriptions assume the M2-level Attribute has “scope? set to “instance_level.? When an Attribute’s “scope? is “classifier_level,? we can model the notional relation that defines the M1-level Attribute state as a relation between the Class extent and the AttrType; see 8.6.3, “Scope,? on page 143. In the IDL mapping, this translates to a notional relation between a Class Proxy object and instances of the Attribute’s M1-level base type.

   On this basis, an Attribute whose “scope? is “classifier_level? differs from one whose “scope? is “instance_level? in the following respects: Inherited Attributes

   The previous semantic descriptions apply equally to Attributes defined within an M2-level Class, and Attribute inherited from supertypes of the Class. Life-cycle Semantics for Attributes

   The previous semantic descriptions say nothing about how an Attribute gets its initial value or values. (With the exception of the single-valued case of the “<attr_name>? operation, the semantic descriptions would “work? if no notional relationships existed initially.) In fact, the IDL mapping ensures that all M1-level Attributes get a client-supplied initial value:

   An M1-level Attribute only exists while the M1-level Instance object or Class Proxy object that it belongs to exists. When the object is deleted, the notional relationships disappear as well.

   Attributes with “composite? aggregation semantics have special life-cycle. When an object with a composite Attribute is deleted, the Instance object or objects that form its value are also deleted.

   Note that unlike Associations, when an Instance object is deleted, the delete operation should make no attempt to tidy up “dangling references? to it.

9.3.8 Reference Semantics for the IDL Mapping

   The IDL mapping maps References into a hybrid that combines an Attribute style interface with Association access and update semantics. In each case, a Reference operation maps fairly directly onto an Association operation as shown in the table below.

Multiplicity Reference Operation Association Operation(s) (assuming that the referenced AssociationEnd is the 2nd one)
optional i.<reference_name>() temp = a.<referenced_end_name>(i) if temp.size > 0 then temp[0] else raise NotSet
single- and multi-valued i.<reference_name>() a.<referenced_end_name>(i)
optional i.set_<reference_name>(new) old = a.<reference_end_name>(i) if old.size > 0 then a.modify_<reference_end_name>(i, old[0], new) else a.add(i, new)
optional i.unset_<reference_name>() old = a.<reference_end_name>(i) if old.size > 0 then a.remove(i, old[0])
single-valued i.set_<reference_name>(new) old = a.<ref_end_name>(i) a.modify_<ref_end_name>(i, old, new)
multi-valued i.set_<reference_name>(new) old = a.<ref_end_name>(i) for j in 0 .. (old.size - 1) do a.remove(i, old[j]) for j in 0 .. (old.size - 1) do a.add(i, new[j])
multi-valued i.add_<reference_name>(new) a.add(i, new)
multi-valued i.add_before_<reference_name>(new, before) a.add_before_<referenced_end_name>(i, new, before)
multi-valued i.modify_<reference_name>(old, new) a.modify_<referenced_end_name>(i, old, new)
multi-valued i.remove_<reference_name>(old) a.remove_<referenced_end_name>(i, old)

   In practice, an implementation also needs to transform exceptions reported for the Association operations into exceptions that apply from the Reference perspective. In addition, a “quality? implementation would ensure that Reference operations did not leave the Association object in a half way state following an exception.

   NOTE: The above semantic mapping description is not intended as implying any particular implementation approach.

   © ISO/IEC 2005 - All rights reserved

9.3.9 Cluster Semantics for the IDL Mapping

   The impact of clusters on the IDL mapping semantics are largely described elsewhere. At the M1-level, a clustered Package behaves identically to a nested Package in terms of life-cycle and extent rules. The only significant difference is that clustering is not always a strict composition relationship at the M1-level; see 8.8.4, “Package Extents,? on page 147. In the IDL mapping, this means that two or more Package “ref? attributes point at the same clustered Package instance.

9.3.10 Atomicity Semantics for the IDL Mapping

   All operations defined by the IDL mapping (including the Reflective versions) are required to be atomic and idempotent:

   NOTE: The IDL mapping specification does not require a transactional or persistent implementation of a meta-data server.

9.3.11 The Supertype Closure Rule

   The inheritance pattern for Instance and Class Proxy interfaces has an important consequence when one M2-level Class is a sub-Class of a second one.

   Recall that each Class Proxy interface defines a factory operation for the corresponding Instance object, and that it also inherits from the Class Proxy interfaces for any M2-level super-Classes. Taken together, this means that any Class Proxy object has operations for creating Instance objects for both the M2-level Class, and all of its M2-level super-Classes.

   Normally, this artifact of the IDL inheritance hierarchy is just a convenience. However, problems arise when an M2-level Class (e.g., P2::C2) has a super-Class that is imported from another M2-level Package (e.g., P1::C1); see Figure 9.3 on page 183. The Class Proxy interface corresponding to the C2 Class now has a factory operation to create instances of a Class from another Package, and therefore would appear to require all of the mechanisms for creating, accessing, updating, and deleting these instances. This is not what Package importing is defined to mean.

   The adopted solution to this problem is to add an extra restriction to the MOF computational semantics. This restriction is known as the Supertype Closure Rule.

   Supertype Closure Rule

   Suppose that the Package extent for a non-nested M2-level Package P contains a Class Proxy object, which has a create operation for instances of Class C. This create operation can be used if and only if the M2-level closure of the Package P under generalization and clustering includes the M2-level Class C.

   In other words, a factory operation for instances of an M2-level Class will only work within a Package instance with the machinery for supporting the Class. The Supertype Closure Rule is illustrated in Figure 9.3.



   Meta-model Definition

   P1 Instance P2 Instance

   C1 C1Proxy


Proxy C2 extent



   P3 Instance



   C1 extent C3 Proxy C3 extent

   Figure 9.3 - Supertype Closure Rule

9.3.12 Copy Semantics for the IDL Mapping

   The IDL mapping currently defines no APIs for copying meta-data. Copy semantics are therefore beyond the scope of this clause.