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7.8 MOF Model Constants

   The following Constants form part of the MOF Model.

7.8.1 Unbounded

    This constant is used in the context of MultiplicityType to represent an unlimited upper bound on a cardinality (see 7.6.1, “PrimitiveTypes used in the MOF Model,? on page 96 ). Its type is Integer.




   const long UNBOUNDED = -1;

7.8.2 The Standard DependencyKinds

   These constants (ContainerDep, ContentsDep, SignatureDep, ConstraintDep, ConstrainedElementsDep, SpecializationDep, ImportDep, TypeDefinitionDep, ReferencedEndsDep, TaggedElementsDep, IndirectDep, and AllDep) denote the standard dependency categories and pseudo-categories. Their types are all String.

   When a ModelElement depends on a second model element under one kind of dependency; and the second model element depends on a third under some other kind of dependency; then the first ModelElement depends on the third ModelElement. However, the kind of dependency cannot be specified, based on the other two dependency kinds, except to categorize the dependency as indirect.

   Refer to 7.4.1, “ModelElement (abstract),? on page 41 and 7.5.9, “DependsOn (derived),? on page 93 for detailed explanations.




   const wstring CONTAINER_DEP = "container";const wstring CONTENTS_DEP = "contents";const wstring SIGNATURE_DEP = "signature";const wstring CONSTRAINT_DEP = "constraint";const wstring CONSTRAINED_ELEMENTS_DEP = "constrained elements";const wstring SPECIALIZATION_DEP = "specialization";const wstring IMPORT_DEP = "import";const wstring TYPE_DEFINITION_DEP = "type definition";const wstring REFERENCED_ENDS_DEP = "referenced ends";const wstring TAGGED_ELEMENTS_DEP = "tagged elements";const wstring INDIRECT_DEP = "indirect";const wstring ALL_DEP = "all";