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7.2 How the MOF Model is Described

   This Clause describes the modeling elements that comprise the MOF Model and provide the building blocks for metamodels. Because these elements are formally described with the MOF Model itself, the characteristics used to describe the model are the same characteristics provided by the model.

   The following sub clauses briefly describe the conventions that this specification uses to define the model elements and their characteristics, with a few exceptions noted.

7.2.1 Classes

   Classes are the fundamental building blocks of MOF meta-models and the MOF Model. A Class can have three kinds of features; Attributes, References, and Operations. They may inherit from other Classes, and may be related to other Classes by Associations. Classes are presented in detail in 8.5, “Semantics of Class Instances,? on page 141.

   The MOF uses the term Class with a meaning that is similar to that of Class in UML. A MOF Class is an abstract specification or classification of meta-objects that includes their state, their interfaces, and (at least informally) behavior. A Class specification is sufficient to allow the generation of concrete interfaces with well defined semantics for managing meta-object state. However, a MOF Class specification does not include any methods to implement meta-object behavior.

    The Classes that make up the MOF Model are introduced in 7.3, “The Structure of the MOF Model,? on page 36 and specified in detail in 7.4, “MOF Model Classes,? on page 41. Each Class is defined in terms of its name(s), its super- Classes, the Classes whose instances it can contain, its attributes, its references, its operations, its constraints, and whether it is abstract or concrete.

   NOTE: Except where stated, the order in which “MOF Model Classes? on page 41 introduces Classes and their component features is not normative. The normative order is defined in the XMI for the MOF Model that may be found in the Preface. This order determines the order in which elements appear in the generated IDL, and is in theory significant.

   This document uses a hybrid textual and tabular notation to define the important characteristics of each Class in the MOF Model. The notation defines defaults for most characteristics, so that the Class definitions need only explicitly specify characteristics that are different from the default. The following text explains the notation used for Classes and their characteristics. Class Heading

   Each Class in the MOF Model is introduced by a second level sub clause heading. The heading defines the standard ModelElement name for the Class. The Classes name on the heading line can be followed by the word “abstract? or by a “substitute_name? for some mapping. For example, the following:

   3.4.1ModelElement (abstract)

   introduces a Class called “ModelElement? and defines its Clause “isAbstract? flag to have the value “true.? On the other hand, the following:

   3.4.11Attribute (idl_substitute_name“MofAttribute?)

   introduces a Class called “Attribute? and defines its substitute name (for the IDL mapping) as “MofAttribute.? The latter information is encoded using a Tag whose “tagId? is “idl_substitute_name? and whose “values? consist of the Any-ized string “MofAttribute.?

   Unless stated otherwise each Class in the MOF Model has “isAbstract? set to false, and has no attached Tags.

   NOTE: The MOF uses “abstract Class? in the same sense as UML, and also Java and many other object oriented programming languages. There is no relationship with the IDL keyword “abstract? introduced in CORBA 2.3.

   The paragraph or paragraphs following a Class heading give a description of the Class, its purpose, and its meaning. Superclasses

   The “Superclasses? heading lists the MOF Classes that generalize the Class being described. In the MOF context, generalization is another term for inheritance. Saying that a Class A generalizes a Class B, means the same as saying that Class B inherits from Class A. The sub-Class (B) inherits the contents of the super-Class (A). Multiple inheritance is permitted in the MOF.

   This heading is always present, since with the sole exception of ModelElement, all Classes in the MOF Model have super-Classes. Contained Elements

   Instances of the sub-Classes of NameSpace can act as containers of other elements. If present, the “Contained Elements? heading lists the Classes whose instances may be contained by an instance of this container Class. It also gives the index of the MOF Model Constraint that defines the containment rule for the Class. For more details, see 7.3.3, “The MOF Model Structure,? on page 38 . In particular, Table 7.5 on page 137 expresses the MOF Class containment rules in a concise form.

   If the “Contained Elements? heading is absent, instances of the Class may not contain other instances. This occurs if the Class is an abstract Class (and therefore has no instances), or if the Class is not derived from the Namespace Class. Attributes

   The “Attributes? heading lists the Attributes for a Class in the MOF Model. Attributes that are inherited from the super-Classes are not listed. If the “Attributes? heading is missing, the Class has no Attributes.

   All Attributes defined in the MOF Model have a “visibility? of “public_vis.? All have a “type? that is represented using a DataType, and therefore all have aggregation semantics of “none.? The remaining characteristics of Attributes are defined using the notation described in Table 7.1.

   Table 7.1 - Notation for Attribute Characteristics

Entry Description
type: This entry defines the base type for the Attribute. It gives either the name of a DataType defined in 7.6, “MOF Model Data Types,? on page 96, or the name of a standard MOF primitive data type (e.g., “Boolean? or “String?) defined in 7.10, “The PrimitiveTypes Package,? on page 134. The base type is represented by the Attribute’s “type.?
multiplicity: This entry defines the “multiplicity? for the Attribute, consisting of its “lower? and “upper? bounds, an “isOrdered? flag, and an “isUnique? flag. See 7.6.2, “MultiplicityType,? on page 96, and 8.6.2, “Multiplicity,? on page 142 for more details. The multiplicity for an Attribute is expressed as follows: • The “lower? and “upper? bounds are expressed as “exactly one,? “zero or one,? “zero or more,? and “one or more.? • If the word “ordered? appears, “isOrdered? should be true. If it is absent, “isOrdered? should be false. • If the word “unique? appears, “isUnique? should be true. If it is absent, “isUnique? should be false.
changeable: This optional entry defines the “isChangeable? flag for the Attribute. If omitted, “isChangeable? is true.

   Table 7.1 - Notation for Attribute Characteristics

derived from: This optional entry either describes the derivation of a derived Attribute, or if the entry is present, the Attribute’s “isDerived? flag will be true. If it is absent, the flag will be false.
scope: This optional entry defines the “scope? of an Attribute as either “instance_level? or “classifier_level.? If the entry is absent, the Attribute’s “scope? is “instance_level.? References

   The “References? heading lists the References for a Class in the MOF Model. A Reference connects its containing Class to an Association End belonging to an Association that involves the Class. This allows a client to navigate directly from an instance of the Class to other instance or instances that are related by links in the Association. If the “References? heading is absent, the Class has no References.

   A Class involved in an Association may or may not have a corresponding Reference. A Reference means that a client can navigate to instances of the other Class; however, this comes at the cost of some restrictions. In particular, if one or both Classes in an Association have References for that Association, the Reference Closure rule restricts the creation of links between instances in different “extents? (see 8.11.1, “The Reference Closure Rule,? on page 153).

   NOTE: The modeling of navigation in MOF differs from UML. In UML, mechanisms for navigating links are available when the “isNavigable? flag is true for a given AssociationEnd. In this case, stronger uniqueness constraints on AssociationEnd names mean that they are unique within the namespaces of the Association and all Classes involved and their sub-Classes. This means that the AssociationEnd names uniquely bind to a “navigator? operation in each context in which navigation might be used.

   Most characteristics of References in the MOF Model are either common across all References or derived from other information:

    The variable characteristics of References are defined or documented using the notation described in Table 7.2.

   Table 7.2 - Notation for Reference characteristics Table 7.2 - Notation for Reference characteristics

Entry Description
class: This entry documents the base type of the Reference and is represented as its “type.? Note that the “type? of a Reference must be the same as the “type? of the referenced AssociationEnd.
defined by: This entry defines the Association and AssociationEnd that the Reference is linked to via a RefersTo link.




This entry documents the “multiplicity? characteristics for the Reference. These are written the same way as Attribute “multiplicity? characteristics, except that “unique? is omitted because its value is predetermined (see, “Ends,? on page 34). Note the following: • the OCL constraints on MultiplicityType and AssociationEnd mean that the “isUnique? field must be “false? if the “upper? bound is 1 and “true? otherwise, and • the “multiplicity? settings for an AssociationEnd and its corresponding Reference(s) must be the same.
This optional entry defines the setting of the Reference’s “isChangeable? flag. If the entry is absent, the “isChangeable? flag is true.
This optional entry documents the “inverse? Reference for this Reference; that is, the Reference on the link related Class that allows navigation back to this Reference’s Class. If this entry is absent, the Reference does not have an inverse Reference. Operations

   The “Operations? heading lists the Operations for a Class in the MOF Model. If the heading is absent, the Class has no Operations.

   All Operations for Classes in the MOF Model have “visibility? of “public_vis.? The remaining characteristics of References are defined using notation described in Table 7.3.

   Table 7.3 - Notation for Operation Characteristics

Entry Description
return type: This optional entry defines the “type? and “multiplicity? of the Operation’s return Parameter; that is, the one with “direction? of “return_dir.? The “type? is denoted by a name of a Class or DataType defined the MOF Model, or a name of standard MOF primitive data type. The “multiplicity? is expressed like an Attribute “multiplicity? (see Table 7.2 on page 32), except that when it is absent, the “multiplicity? defaults to “exactly one.? The return Parameter (if it exists) should be the first contained Parameter of the Operation. If this entry is absent or says “none,? the Operation does not have a return Parameter.
isQuery: This optional entry defines the Operation’s “isQuery? flag. If it is absent, the “isQuery? flag has the value false.
scope: This optional entry defines the Operation’s “scope.? If it is absent, the Operation has a “scope? of “instance_level.?
parameters: This entry defines the Operation’s non-return Parameter list in the order that they appear in the Operation’s signature. Each parameter is defined with the following format: name, direction type multiplicity. If the “multiplicity? is not explicitly specified, it defaults to “exactly one.? If the entry simply says “none,? the Operation has no non-return Parameters.
exceptions: This optional entry defines the list of Exceptions that this Operation may raise in the order that they appear in the Operation’s signature. If it is absent, the Operation raises no Exceptions.
operation semantics: This optional entry simply gives a cross reference to the OCL defining the Operation’s semantics. Note that the MOF Model does not provide a standard way of representing an Operation’s semantic specification, and it is not included in the normative XMI serialization of the MOF Model. Constraints

   The “Constraints? heading lists the Constraints that are attached to this Class in the MOF Model. The OCL for the Constraints may be found in 7.9.4, “The MOF Model Constraints,? on page 105. Each listed Constraint “constrains? the Class, and is also contained by it. IDL

   The “IDL? heading shows an excerpt of the MOF Model IDL that corresponds to this Class. The excerpts, which are part of the “Model? module given in the “MOF to IDL Summary? clause, consist of a Class proxy interface and an Instance interface. For information on these interfaces, refer to the “MOF to IDL Mapping? clause.

7.2.2 Associations

    The Associations in the MOF Model are defined in 7.5, “MOF Model Associations,? on page 85.

   Associations describe relationships between instances of Classes. In short, an Association relates two Classes (or relates one Class to itself) to define a “link set? that contains two-ended “links? between instances of the Classes. The properties of an Association rest mostly in its two AssociationEnds. Refer to 8.9, “Semantics of Associations,? on page 149 for a more detailed explanation. Association Heading

    Each Association in the MOF Model is introduced by a second level sub clause heading in “MOF Model Associations? on page 85. The heading defines the standard ModelElement name for the Association. The Classes name on the heading line can be followed by the word “derived.? For example, the following:

   3.5.4 Exposes (derived)

   introduces an Association called “Exposes? and defines its Clause “isDerived? flag to be true. If the word “derived? is not present, the Association’s “isDerived? flag is false.

   The paragraph or paragraphs following an Association heading give a description of the Association, its purpose, and its meaning. Ends

   The “Ends? heading defines the two AssociationEnds for an Association in the MOF Model. The two AssociationEnds are defined by giving their “name? values and defining the remaining characteristics in tabular form.

   Every AssociationEnd in the MOF Model has both “isNavigable? and “isChangeable? set to true. The remaining characteristics of AssociationEnds are defined using notation described in the table below.

Entry Description
class: This entry specifies the Class whose instances are linked at this end of the Association. This is represented by the AssociationEnd’s “name? attribute.
multiplicity: This entry defines the AssociationEnd’s “multiplicity? attribute. This is expressed in the same way as References (i.e., uniqueness is implicit - see, “References,? on page 32). Note the following: • the OCL constraints on MultiplicityType and AssociationEnd mean that the “isUnique? field must be “false? if the “upper? bound is 1 and “true? otherwise, and • the “multiplicity? settings for an AssociationEnd and its corresponding Reference(s) must be the same.
aggregation: This optional entry defines the AssociationEnd’s “aggregation? attribute as one of “composite,? “shared,? or “none? (see 8.9.4, “Association Aggregation,? on page 152). If the entry is absent, the AssociationEnd’s “aggregation? attribute takes the value “none.? Derivation

   The “Derivation? heading defines how a derived Association should be computed. It may include marker for an OCL rule defined in “[C-59]? on page 122. IDL

   The “IDL? heading shows an excerpt of the MOF Model IDL that corresponds to this Association. These excerpts, which are part of the “Model? module given in the MOF IDL Summary Clause, consist of an Association interface and related IDL data types. For more information, refer to the MOF to IDL Mapping Clause.

7.2.3 DataTypes

    The DataTypes that form part of the MOF Model are described in 7.6, “MOF Model Data Types,? on page 96. All DataTypes in the MOF Model have “visibility? of “public_vis.? The settings of the other attributes are “isAbstract? = false, “isRoot? = true, and “isLeaf? = true as required by various MOF Model constraints.

   The DataTypes used in the MOF Model are instances of PrimitiveType, StructureType, or EnumerationType. A StructureType’s StructureFields (and their order) are as shown in the IDL. Similarly, an EnumerationType’s “labels? and their order are as shown in the IDL.

   The remaining characteristics of a DataType are its “name? (given in the sub clause heading), and its container (given by the “Container? subheading). If the “Container? subheading is absent, the DataType is contained by the Model Package.

7.2.4 Exceptions

    The Exceptions that form part of the MOF Model are described in 7.7, “MOF Model Exceptions,? on page 99.

   All Exceptions in the MOF Model have “visibility? of “public_vis? and “scope? of “classifier_level.?

   The remaining characteristics are the Exception’s

   If the Container heading is absent, the Exception is contained by the Model Package.

7.2.5 Constants

   The Constants that form part of the MOF Model are described in 7.8, “MOF Model Constants,? on page 99 .

   The characteristics of a Constant are its

   If the “Container? heading is absent, the DataType is contained by the Model Package.

7.2.6 Constraints

    The Constraints that form part of the MOF Model are described in 7.9, “MOF Model Constraints,? on page 101. The notation used for describing the constraints is described in, “Notation for MOF Model Constraints,? on page 101.

7.2.7 UML Diagrams

   At various points in this clause, UML class diagrams are used to describe aspects of the MOF Model. To understand these diagrams, the reader should mentally map from UML modeling concepts to the equivalent MOF meta-modeling constructs.

   There is one point in which this document’s use of UML notation requires explaining. In standard UML notation, an arrowhead on an Association line indicates that the Association is navigable in the direction indicated. Absence of an arrowhead can mean either that the Association is navigable or that it is navigable in both directions, depending on the context.

    As was explained in, “References,? on page 32, the MOF models navigable Associations in a different way. Thus in this document, an arrowhead on one end of an Association means that a Reference exists on the Class at the opposite end that allows navigation in the indicated direction. If there are no arrowheads, there are References on the Classes at both ends of the Association.