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7.11 Standard Technology Neutral Tags

   This sub clause defines the standard Tags that apply to all meta-models, irrespective of the technology mappings used. Other Tags may be attached to the elements of a meta-model, but the meaning of these Tags is not specified here. Tags relevant to the IDL mapping are defined in 9.6, “Standard Tags for the IDL Mapping,? on page 194.

    Table 7.5 shows the conventions used to describe the standard Tags and their properties.

   Table 7.5 Notation for Describing Standard Tags

tag id:

attaches to:



idl generation:


A string that denotes the semantic category for the tag.
Gives the kind(s) of Model::ModelElement that this category of tag can be meaningfully attached to.
Gives the number and types of the tag’s values (i.e., parameters), if any. Parameters are expressed as an ordered sequence of Strings.
Describes the meaning of the tag in this context.
Defines the tag’s impact on the generated IDL.
Tag usage restrictions - for example: “at most one tag of this kind per element,? or “tag must be contained by the meta-model.?

   NOTE: There are no standard technology neutral Tags at this time.