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9.3.2 StructuralFeature

   StructuralFeature is specialized to add an attribute that determines whether a client may modify its value.


   • “StructuralFeature? on page 80


   • isReadOnly: Boolean — States whether the feature’s value may be modified by a client. Default is false.


   No additional associations


   No additional constraints


   No additional semantics


   A read only structural feature is shown using {readOnly} as part of the notation for the structural feature. A modifiable structural feature is shown using {unrestricted} as part of the notation for the structural feature. This annotation may be suppressed, in which case it is not possible to determine its value from the diagram.

   Presentation Option

   It is possible to only allow suppression of this annotation when isReadOnly=false. In this case it is possible to assume this value in all cases where {readOnly} is not shown.