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   //File: DAISAEIO.idl#ifndef _DAIS_AEIO_IDL#define _DAIS_AEIO_IDL#pragma prefix ""#include <DAISAECommon.idl>

   module DAIS {module AlarmsAndEvents {module IO {

   typedef unsigned long ChangeSpec;const ChangeSpec CHANGE_ACTIVE_STATE = 0x0001;

   const ChangeSpec CHANGE_ACK_STATE = 0x0002; const ChangeSpec CHANGE_ENABLE_STATE = 0x0004; const ChangeSpec CHANGE_QUALITY = 0x0008; const ChangeSpec CHANGE_SEVERITY = 0x0010; const ChangeSpec CHANGE_CONDITION = 0x0020; const ChangeSpec CHANGE_MESSAGE = 0x0040; const ChangeSpec CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE = 0x0080;

   struct SimpleEvent { ResourceID source; string source_pathname; DateTime time_stamp; string message; EventFormat event_format; ResourceID category; string category_name; unsigned long severity; PropertyValues property_values;


   struct TrackingEvent { string actor_name; };

   struct ConditionEvent { string condition_space_name; ResourceID condition_space; string condition_name; unsigned long condition_number; boolean ack_required; DateTime active_time; EventID event_id; ChangeSpec change_specification; SourceConditionOpState source_condition_op_state; Quality dais_quality;


   struct Event { SimpleEvent simple_event; TrackingEvent tracking_event; ConditionEvent condition_event;

   };typedef sequence<Event> Events;

   interface Callback{

   void on_event (in boolean refresh,in boolean last_refresh,in Events the_events


   void on_read_complete (in Events the_events,in unsigned long transaction_id

   ); }; };};}; #endif // _DAIS_AEIO_IDL


   A flag word having a number of flags telling what change caused the event notification.

Flag Description
CHANGE_ACTIVE_STATE Alarm active has changed.
CHANGE_ACK_STATE Alarm acknowledge has changed.
CHANGE_ENABLE_STATE Enable has changed.
CHANGE_QUALITY The quality has changed.
CHANGE_SEVERITY The severity has changed.
CHANGE_CONDITION A condition has become active/inactive.
CHANGE_MESSAGE The message has been updated.
CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE An attribute value has changed.


   A struct holding the simple event data.

Member Description
source The identification of the source for which the event notification was created.
source_pathname The full pathname of the source.
time_stamp Time of the event occurrence - for conditions, time that the condition transitioned into the new state or condition. For example, if the event notification is for acknowledgment of a condition, this would be the time that the condition became acknowledged.
message Event notification message describing the event.
event_format The identification for one of the three main formats.





The identification of the sub-category why the event notification was sent.
The label for the sub-category.
The severity for the event, a number between 0 and 1000.
A sequence of property values as selected by the select_returned_properties() method.


   A struct holding tracking event data.

Member Description
actor_name The name of the actor or operator causing the event


   A struct holding the condition event data.

Member Description
condition_space_name The name of the condition space that caused the event notification.
condition_space Identification of the condition space.
condition_name The name of the condition that caused the event notification.
condition_number Identification of the condition.
ack_required An indication that an alarm is generated and that an acknowledgment is required.
active_time The time when the condition became active.
event_id An identification of the event notification.
change_specification Indicates to the client which properties of the condition have changed.
source_condition_op_state The new state for the source condition.
quality The quality.


   A struct composed of the three above event structs. The simple event struct always contains valid information and which of the tracking or condition event structs are valid is decided from the main_reason simple event member.



simple_event The simple event.
tracking_event The tracking event.
condition_event The condition event.


   The callback object implemented by the client and used by the server to send event notifications.


   The callback method.

Parameter Description
refresh Indicates if this callback is due to a refresh.
last_refresh Indicates if this callback is the last in a sequence initiated by a refresh.
the_events A sequence of event notifications.
return None.


   A callback method for the async_read_history() method. After an async_read_history() call from a client the server will deliver the historical events using this method. There is no corresponding OPC method.



the_events A sequence of historical events.
transaction_id The transaction number matching the client call number.

   Event notification callbacks

   Figure 5-22 Event notification callbacks interaction

   Refresh callbacks

   Figure 5-23 Refresh callbacks interaction