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4.1.2 Naming

   Node and item names follow OPC [4] and IEC 1346-1 [10]. Each Node has a label unique among other Nodes having the same parent; that is, are MemberOf the same Node. An Item does not have an own label but uses the label from the Property. Each Item in a Node is associated with different DAISProperties so that the label is unique among other items at the same node. The labels in the path from an item or node to the root form a pathname. Labels and pathnames are explained in Figure 4-2.

   A Node

   Figure 4-2 Labels and pathnames

   A delimiter, the label delimiter, might separate the labels in a pathname. Assuming the label delimiter is a “.? An example of an item pathname for a measurement value in Figure 4-2 is

   Cobden.G1.P.Value where the labels are:

   Exactly how the pathname is composed from the labels is server specific and outside the scope of this specification.