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2.2.2 Information model/schema

   In the case where a system supports both the DAF and the DAIS interfaces it is expected that the same object will be identified by the same ResourceID through both interfaces and the same property by the same PropertyID. Sameness of objects and properties; however, depends on the information model exposed through the two interfaces and if the information models are different, then a mapping is required.

   In the case where a system supports both the DAF and the DAIS interfaces it is expected that the same objects will be identified by the same ResourceID and URI fragment through both interfaces and the same property by the same PropertyID and URI fragment.

   The exact mapping has to be described for each DAIS item – DAF property pair according to the underlying information models. Section 4.1.5, “Utility SCADA/EMS Measurement Model,? on page 4-5 elaborates on the information model and a detailed mapping between IEC 61970-30x and the DAIS can be found in Section 4.1.5, “Utility SCADA/EMS Measurement Model,? on page 4-5.

   The foregoing concepts are fundamental enough that they should find equivalents in any data repository. Some, perhaps approximate, equivalents are given in Table 2-1 as a guide.

   Table 2-1 Mappings between modeling languages



Relational Model



Resource Resource, ResourceID Tuple (i.e., row) Object Node, ResourceID
Property Property, PropertyID Attribute (i.e., column) or foreign key Attribute or association Property, PropertyID
Class Class, ClassID Relation (i.e., table) Class Type, TypeID
Resource Description Resource Description Tuple value - Sequence <ItemState>
URI URI, ResourceID Key value -
Value SimpleValue Field value - SimpleValue
- ResourceID and PropertyID pair - - Item, ItemID