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11.3.5 Deploying OLAP Models

   The CWM OLAP metamodel describes logical models of OLAP systems, but does not directly specify how an OLAP system is physically deployed. Modeling the deployment of an OLAP system requires mapping instances of OLAP metaclasses to instances of other CWM metaclasses representing physical resources (for example, mapping an OLAP Dimension to a Relational Table). This approach offers several advantages:

   All of the OLAP metaclasses are potential candidates for such deployment mappings. In addition, some OLAP models may also define mappings between several OLAP metaclass instances, forming a natural hierarchy of logical objects (for example, Dimension Attributes are mapped to Level Attributes which, in turn, are mapped to Table Columns).

   The CWM Transformation package is used as the primary means of describing these mappings. A modeler constructing an OLAP model based on CWM will generally define instances of the TransformationMap metaclass to link logical OLAP objects together, and to link those logical objects to other objects representing their physical data sources.

   StructureMap is a subclass of TransformationMap that models structure-oriented transformation mappings; that is, member identity and hierarchical structure. This type of transformation mapping needs to be connected to the OLAP metamodel in a very specific way (according to Level and Hierarchy), so the StructureMap subclass is defined to make these associations explicit. Two specific usages of StructureMap are defined: ListOfValues, which maps attributes identifying members residing at a specific Level, or at a specific Level within a particular Hierarchy, and ImmediateParent, which maps attributes identifying the hierarchical parent(s) of the members.

   On the other hand, relatively simple TransformationMaps can be defined within any OLAP model to represent attribute-oriented transformations (for example, mapping Dimension Attributes to Table Columns that store attribute values).

   ContentMap is a subclass of TransformationMap that models content-oriented transformation mappings; that is, cell data or measure values. For example, an instance of ContentMap might be used to map each of a CubeRegion’s Measures to Columns of an underlying Fact Table.

   Note that, in either case (structural mapping or content mapping), the traversal patterns used by any CWM OLAP implementation are always the same, since both deployment mappings are based on the same usage of CWM TransformationMaps.

   In addition to representing structural mappings, instances of TransformationMap and its subclasses are also capable of storing implementation-dependent functions or procedures that yield the instance values associated with mapped model elements. For example, a “list of values? StructureMap might store an SQL statement such as “select memberName from Product where productFamily = ’consumerElectronics’ “ as the value of its formula attribute.

    Figure 11-4 illustrates the CWM metaclasses and associations that describe deployment mappings between logical OLAP models and physical resource models. Note that it is possible to combine both Cube (content) and Dimension (structure) deployments together within the context of a single OLAP Schema (via the DeploymentGroup metaclass). Thus, an OLAP Schema can have several possible deployments that users may select based on implementation-specific considerations (for example, physical optimizations).



















   Figure 11-4 OLAP Metamodel: Deployment Mapping Structures