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8.2 Overview

   The basic idea of the DSI is to implement all requests on a particular object by having the ORB invoke the same upcall routine, a Dynamic Implementation Routine (DIR). Since in any language binding all DIRs have the same signature, a single DIR could be used as the implementation for many objects, with different interfaces.

   The DIR is passed all the explicit operation parameters, and an indication of the object that was invoked and the operation that was requested. The information is encoded in the request parameters. The DIR can use the invoked object, its object adapter, and the Interface Repository to learn more about the particular object and invocation. It can access and operate on individual parameters. It can make the same use of an object adapter as other object implementations.

   This chapter describes the elements of the DSI that are common to all object adapters that provide a DSI. See Section 11.6.11, “Single Servant, Many Objects and Types, Using DSI,? on page 11-64 for the specification of the DSI for the Portable Object Adapter.