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5.4.3 Language Specific Value Factory Requirements

   Each language mapping specifies the algorithm and means by which RepositoryIDs are used to find the appropriate factory for an instance of a value type so that it may be created as it is unmarshaled “off the wire.?

   It is desirable, where it makes sense, to specify a “default? policy for automatically using RepositoryIDs that are in common formats to find the appropriate factory. Such a policy can be thought of as an implicit registration.

   Each language mapping specifies how and when the registration occurs, both explicit and implicit. The registration must occur before an attempt is made to unmarshal an instance of a value type. If the ORB is unable to locate and use the appropriate factory, then a MARSHAL exception with standard minor code 1 is raised.

   Because the type of the factory is programming language specific and each programming language platform has different policies, the factory type is specified as native. It is the responsibility of each language mapping to specify the actual programming language type of the factory.

   module CORBA {

   // IDL native ValueFactory;
