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4.10.2 Domain Management Operations

   This section defines the interfaces and operations needed to find domain managers and find the policies associated with these. However, it does not include operations to manage domain membership, structure of domains, or to manage which policies are associated with domains.

   This section also includes the interface to the construction policy object, as that is relevant to domains. The basic definitions of the interfaces and operations related to these are part of the CORBA module, since other definitions in the CORBA module depend on these.

   module CORBA {interface DomainManager {Policy get_domain_policy (in PolicyType policy_type);};

   const PolicyType SecConstruction = 11;

   interface ConstructionPolicy: Policy{

   void make_domain_manager( in CORBA::InterfaceDef object_type, in boolean constr_policy


   typedef sequence <DomainManager> DomainManagersList; }; Domain Manager

   The domain manager provides mechanisms for:

   There should be no unnecessary constraints on the ordering of these activities, for example, it must be possible to add new policies to a domain with a pre-existing membership. In this case, some means of determining the members that do not conform to a policy that may be imposed is required. It should be noted that interfaces for adding new policies to domains or for changing domain memberships have not currently been standardized.

   All domain managers provide the get_domain_policy operation. By virtue of being an object, the Domain Managers also have the get_policy and get_domain_managers operations, which is available on all objects (see Section 4.3.8, “Getting Policy Associated with the Object? on page 4-19 and Section 4.3.11, “Getting the Domain Managers Associated with the Object? on page 4-22).


   This returns the policy of the specified type for objects in this domain.

   Policy get_domain_policy (in PolicyType policy_type



   policy_type - The type of policy for objects in the domain which the application wants to administer. For security, the possible policy types are described in the Security Service specification, Security Policies Introduction section.

   Return Value

   A reference to the policy object for the specified type of policy in this domain.


   CORBA::INV_POLICY - raised when the value of policy type is not valid either because the specified type is not supported by this ORB or because a policy object of that type is not associated with this Object. Construction Policy

   The construction policy object allows callers to specify that when instances of a particular object reference are created, they should be automatically assigned membership in a newly created domain at creation time.


   This operation enables the invoker to set the construction policy that is to be in effect in the domain with which this ConstructionPolicy object is associated. Construction Policy can either be set so that when an object reference of the type specified by the input parameter is created, a new domain manager will be created and the newly created object reference will respond to get_domain_managers by returning a reference to this domain manager. Alternatively the policy can be set to associate the newly created object reference with the domain associated with the creator. This policy is implemented by the ORB during execution of any one of the object reference creation operations of the POA, and results in the construction of the application-specified object reference and a Domain Manager object if so dictated by the policy in effect at the time of the creation of the object reference.

   void make_domain_manager (in InterfaceDef object_type,in boolean constr_policy



   object_type - The type of the object references for which Domain Managers will be created. If this is nil, the policy applies to all object references in the domain.

   constr_policy - If TRUE the construction policy is set to create a new domain manager associated with the newly created object reference of this type in this domain. If FALSE construction policy is set to associate the newly created object references with the domain of the creator or a default domain as described above.