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3.9.5 Valuetype Inheritance

   The terminology that is used to describe value type inheritance is directly analogous to that used to describe interface inheritance (see Section 3.8.5, “Interface Inheritance,? on page 3-23).

   The name scoping and name collision rules for valuetypes are identical to those for interfaces. In addition, no valuetype may be specified as a direct abstract base of a derived valuetype more than once; it may be an indirect abstract base more than once. See Section 3.8.5, “Interface Inheritance,? on page 3-23 for a detailed description of the analogous properties for interfaces.

   Values may be derived from other values and can support an interface and any number of abstract interfaces.

   Once implementation (state) is specified at a particular point in the inheritance hierarchy, all derived value types (which must of course implement the state) may only derive from a single (concrete) value type. They can however derive from other additional abstract values and support an additional interface.

   The single immediate base concrete value type, if present, must be the first element specified in the inheritance list of the value declaration’s IDL. It may be followed by other abstract values from which it inherits. The interface and abstract interfaces that it supports are listed following the supports keyword.

   While a valuetype may only directly support one interface, it is possible for the valuetype to support other interfaces as well through inheritance. In this case, the supported interface must be derived, directly or indirectly, from each interface that the valuetype supports through inheritance. This rule does not apply to abstract interfaces that the valuetype supports. For example:

   interface I1 { }; interface I2 { }; interface I3: I1, I2 { };

   abstract valuetype V1 supports I1 { }; abstract valuetype V2 supports I2 { }; valuetype V3: V1, V2 supports I3 { }; // legal valuetype V4: V1 supports I2 { }; // illegal

   A stateful value that derives from another stateful value may specify that it is truncatable . This means that it is to “truncate? (see Section, “Value instance > Value type,? on page 5-5) an instance to be an instance of any of its truncatable parent (stateful) value types under certain conditions. Note that all the intervening types in the inheritance hierarchy must be truncatable in order for truncation to a particular type to be allowed.

   Because custom values require an exact type match between the sending and receiving context, truncatable may not be specified for a custom value type.

   Non-custom value types may not (transitively) inherit from custom value types.

   Boxed value types may not be derived from, nor may they derive from anything else.

   These rules are summarized in the following table: Table 3-10 Allowable Inheritance Relationships

May inherit from: Interface Abstract Interface Abstract Value Stateful Value Boxed value
Interface multiple multiple no no no
Abstract Interface no multiple no no no
Abstract Value supports single supports multiple multiple no no
Stateful Value supports single supports multiple multiple single (may be truncatable) no
Boxed Value no no no no no