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3.13.1 Operation Attribute

   The operation attribute specifies which invocation semantics the communication service must provide for invocations of a particular operation. An operation attribute is optional. The syntax for its specification is as follows:

   (88) <op_attribute> ::= “oneway?

   When a client invokes an operation with the oneway attribute, the invocation semantics are best-effort, which does not guarantee delivery of the call; best-effort implies that the operation will be invoked at most once. An operation with the oneway attribute must not contain any output parameters and must specify a void return type. An operation defined with the oneway attribute may not include a raises expression; invocation of such an operation, however, may raise a standard system exception.

   If an <op_attribute> is not specified, the invocation semantics is at-most-once if an exception is raised; the semantics are exactly-once if the operation invocation returns successfully.