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23.1.6 Limitations

   The limitations of the Fault Tolerant CORBA specification are given below.

   Legacy ORBs

   An unreplicated client hosted by a legacy ORB can invoke methods of a replicated server, supported by the Fault Tolerance Infrastructure. The object group references generated for replicated servers can be used by legacy ORBs, although the full benefits of fault-tolerant operation are not achieved for an unreplicated client. If a legacy ORB has been modified to understand object group references and to retry requests at alternative destinations, the unreplicated client receives the benefits of a higher, but still partial, level of fault tolerance. Special service contexts in the request and reply messages protect an unreplicated client from a replicated server executing its requests multiple times when the client retries those requests at alternative destinations.

   Common Infrastructure

   All of the hosts within a fault tolerance domain must use ORBs from the same vendor and Fault Tolerance Infrastructures from the same vendor to ensure interoperability and full fault tolerance within that domain. Consequently, the members of an object group must be hosted by ORBs from the same vendor and Fault Tolerance Infrastructures from the same vendor. For clients and servers in different fault tolerance domains, both using ORBs and Fault Tolerance Infrastructures from the same vendors, full fault tolerance can be achieved. Otherwise, the specifications provide a useful improvement over no fault tolerance but substantially less than full fault tolerance.

   Deterministic Behavior

   For the infrastructure-controlled Consistency Style, for both active and passive replication, deterministic behavior is required of the application objects, and of the ORBs, to guarantee Strong Replica Consistency. The inputs to the replicas of an object must be consistent (identical); this implies that request and reply messages must be delivered in the same order to each of the replicas of an object. If sources of non-determinism exist, they must be filtered out. Multi-threading in the application or the ORB may be restricted, or transactional abort/rollback mechanisms may be used.

   Network Partitioning Faults

   Network partitioning faults separate the hosts of the system into two or more sets, the hosts of each set being able to operate and to communicate within that set but not with hosts of different sets. The current state-of-the-art does not provide an adequate solution to network partitioning faults. Thus, network partitioning faults are not addressed in this specification.

   Commission Faults

   A commission fault occurs when an object or host generates incorrect results. A Byzantine fault is a commission fault in which an object or host generates incorrect results maliciously. Algorithms have been devised to detect and protect against a fairly wide range of Byzantine faults but they are complex and expensive in processing and communication. In the current state-of-the-art, Byzantine algorithms are seldom appropriate for fault tolerance but might be appropriate for security, to protect a system after one or more of its hosts have been subverted by intruders. The specification provides an ACTIVE_WITH_VOTING Replication Style. Voting itself is relatively inexpensive, but the communications infrastructure required to support voting properly is substantially more expensive than that required to tolerate only crash faults.

   Correlated Faults

   No protection is provided against design or programming faults, or other correlated faults, that cause the same errors in all replicas of an object, in all ORBs, or in all hosts or their operating systems.