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22.8.2 ReplyHandler Operations for Exceptional Replies

   If the AMI didn’t succeed at the target, the exception is delivered via the generated _excep ReplyHandler operation corresponding to the operation originally invoked. This section describes the implied-IDL rules for generating these operations on the ReplyHandler.

   For each operation, operName, on the original interface named ifaceName, an operation with the following signature is generated on the type-specific ReplyHandler:

   void <operName>_excep( in Messaging::ExceptionHolder excep_holder);

   For each attribute, attrName, on the original interface named ifaceName, an operation with the following signature is generated on the type-specific ReplyHandler:

   void get_<attrName>_excep( in Messaging::ExceptionHolder excep_holder);

   For each non-readonly attribute, attrName, on the original interface named ifaceName, an operation with the following signature is generated on the type-specific ReplyHandler:

   void set_<attrName>_excep( in Messaging::ExceptionHolder excep_holder);

   If the name generated by the method described above clashes with a name that already exists in the interface, “_ami? strings are inserted immediately preceding the “_excep? repeatedly, until generated IDL operation name is unique in the interface.