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22.5 Running Example

   A running example is used throughout this section to clarify the generation of the new typed asynchronous invocation stubs, the new reply handling interfaces for receiving callback responses, and the new poller values for querying the status of an outstanding request. The example features a simple stock portfolio manager interface. Most importantly, the interface includes operations that cover all cases of operation signature:

   Operations declared oneway are not mapped to asynchronous invocation stubs because they are already asynchronous in nature.

   // Original IDLexception InvalidStock { string sym; };

   interface StockManager { attribute string stock_exchange_name;

   boolean add_stock(in string symbol, in double quote); void edit_stock(in string symbol, in double new_quote) raises(InvalidStock); void remove_stock(in string symbol, out double quote) raises(InvalidStock);

   boolean find_closest_symbol(inout string symbol); double get_quote(in string symbol) raises(InvalidStock); };