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22.2.3 Request and Reply Priority struct PriorityRange

   This structure describes a range of priorities. A PriorityRange with minimum Priority greater than maximum Priority is invalid. interface RequestPriorityPolicy

   This interface is a local object derived from CORBA::Policy. It is used to indicate the valid range of priorities, which may be associated with an operation request. This value is used by Routers when the effective QueueOrderPolicy has the value ORDER_PRIORITY. Higher Priority values indicate a higher priority. When instances of RequestPriorityPolicy are created, a value of type Messaging::PriorityRange is passed to CORBA::ORB::create_policy. An instance of RequestPriorityPolicy may be specified when creating a POA (and therefore may be represented in Object references). In addition, an Object reference’s RequestPriorityPolicy may be overridden by the client. If set on both the client and server, reconciliation is performed by intersecting the server-specified RequestPriorityPolicy range with the range of the client’s effective override. When an instance of RequestPriorityPolicy is propagated within a PolicyValue in a TAG_POLICIES Profile Component or INVOCATION_POLICIES Service Context, the ptype has value REQUEST_PRIORITY_POLICY_TYPE and the pvalue is a CDR encapsulation containing a Messaging::PriorityRange. interface ReplyPriorityPolicy

   This interface is a local object derived from CORBA::Policy. It is used to indicate the valid range of priorities, which may be associated with the reply to an operation request. This value is used by Routers when the effective QueueOrderPolicy has the value ORDER_PRIORITY. Higher Priority values indicate a higher priority. When instances of ReplyPriorityPolicy are created, a value of type Messaging::PriorityRange is passed to CORBA::ORB::create_policy. An instance of ReplyPriorityPolicy may be specified when creating a POA (and therefore may be represented in Object references). In addition, an Object reference’s ReplyPriorityPolicy may be overridden by the client. If set on both the client and server, reconciliation is performed by intersecting the server-specified ReplyPriorityPolicy range with the range of the client’s effective override. When an instance of ReplyPriorityPolicy is propagated within a PolicyValue in a TAG_POLICIES Profile Component or INVOCATION_POLICIES Service Context, the ptype has value REPLY_PRIORITY_POLICY_TYPE and the pvalue is a CDR encapsulation containing a Messaging::PriorityRange.