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20.6.2 ISynchronize and DISynchronize

   These interfaces are implemented on local DCOM value objects (ISynchronizeis found on COM proxies, DISynchronize is found on Automation proxies). If the interface is available, it means that this is a local DCOM value object, not a regular object or a primary DCOM value object. Mode Property

   The property Mode is used to control when synchronization is done. A value of kNeverSync means that the local and the primary value objects are never synchronized.

   A value of kSyncOnSend means that, if the local value object has been changed, the primary value object will be synchronized with the local value object when the local value object is sent to another client/server, which cannot be reliably determined to support the required DCOM value object. Implementations can choose to synchronize using either batch synchronization through a call to IValueObject, or through calls for each changed member through the regular remote interface.

   A value of kSyncOnChange means that, as a member is changed, the update of the member should be propagated to the primary value object as a regular remote call. SyncNow Method

   The SyncNow method can be called by application code to force the changes to the local value object to be propagated to the primary value object. Implementations can choose to synchronize using either batch synchronization through a call to IValueObject, or through calls for each changed member through the regular remote interface. ReCopy Method

   The ReCopy method can be called by application code to retrieve the current value of the primary value object and update the local value object.